![]() | The STARANISO ServerAnisotropy of the Diffraction Limit
| ![]() |
This server uses the DEBYE and STARANISO programs to perform some
or all (depending on the selections made by the user) of the following
15 program steps:
If unmerged data were supplied as input, perform the complete
'unmerged data' protocol, namely steps #1 to #10:
If merged data were supplied, only perform the 'merged data'
protocol (steps #11 to #19) using the original data as input:
The above steps are described in greater detail below:
If unmerged data were supplied as input, perform the 'unmerged
data' protocol, namely steps #1 to #10 below:
If merged data were supplied, only perform the 'merged data'
protocol using the original data as input:
Maximum likelihood optimization of the overall scale and the elements of the overall anisotropic displacement tensor that are not constrained by the point-group symmetry is performed.  Note that the default P & B profile was obtained by averaging the observed profiles of a number of protein-only structures so is not strictly applicable to structures containing a substantial proportion of nucleic acid.
Alternatively the user may supply one or more PDB file(s) containing an ensemble of models from which the DEBYE program will calculate the rotationally-averaged intensities used in the profile (Morris et al. [2003]).  Ideally, none of the models should have a much lower resolution compared with dmin for the diffraction data (say dmin of a model should be numerically less than roughly dmin + 0.5Å of the data).  There are two reasons for this: a low resolution model will have fewer observed waters and therefore the estimated bulk water contribution at low values of d* will be incorrect, and extrapolation of the calculated profile to high resolution will also introduce inaccuracies.
A suitable ensemble can be generated by the same procedure used for obtaining model ensembles for Molecular Replacement, e.g. using the MrBUMP and/or BALBES packages.  An estimated contribution from bulk water scattering will be added to the calculated averaged intensity profile.
This is because the Bayesian estimation assumes a centric or acentric Wilson distribution as appropriate, but the average of two random variates each with an acentric distribution with different expected values does not necessarily itself have an acentric distribution.  Hence it is not correct to perform the Bayesian estimation as currently implemented on the average of two Wilson intensity variates with different expected values.  Rather I[+] and I[-] should be separately converted to Fs, and then averaged.
There are further issues concerning the optimal procedure for averaging F[+] and F[-] when they have different standard uncertainties.
Step ID | Program | Input reflection file | Input & output type(s) | Operation | |
xdsmtz-mrf | POINTLESS | XDS_ASCII.HKL | XDS | MRF | Convert XDS_ASCII.HKL to MTZ multi-record format. |
debye | DEBYE | xdsmtz-mrf | MTZ + PDB | profile | Compute Debye isotropic scattering profile. |
iso-merged | aP_scale | xdsmtz-mrf | MRF | MRF + SRF | Initial scaling with an isotropic diffraction cut-off & merging of 'xdsmtz-mrf' unmerged data, with no data cut-off. |
stats-meas | MRFANA | aimless_alldata_unmerged | MRF | --- | 'Measured' merging statistics for uncut merged data. |
merged-aniso | STARANISO | aimless_alldata | SRF | SRF + mask | Anisotropic diffraction cut-off & anisotropy correction of 'iso-merged' data; output of initial anisotropic mask. |
xpcorr-xds | STARANISO | XDS_ASCII.HKL | XDS | --- | Compute XDS profile correlation plot. |
masked-aniso-mrf | STARANISO | xdsmtz-mrf | MRF + mask | MRF | Application of initial 'merged-aniso' anisotropic mask to 'xdsmtz-mrf' unmerged data. |
masked-scaled | AIMLESS | masked-aniso-mrf | MRF | scales | Scaling of 'masked-aniso-mrf' data. |
masked-merged | AIMLESS | xdsmtz-mrf | MRF + scales | MRF + SRF | Application of scales from 'masked-scaled' step to 'xdsmtz-mrf' unmerged data (no cut of the data), and final merging; also Ihalfx columns from MRFANA appended to the merged output file. |
aniso-merged | STARANISO | masked-merged | SRF | SRF + mask | Final anisotropic diffraction cut-off and anisotropy correction of merged data from 'masked-merged' step; output of updated anisotropic mask. |
aniso-masked-mrf | STARANISO | masked-merged-mrf | MRF + mask | MRF | Application of updated 'aniso-merged' mask to unmerged data from 'masked-merged' step. |
stats-obs | MRFANA | aniso-masked-mrf | MRF | --- | 'Observed' merging statistics for masked & merged data. |
NOTES for above table:
French, S. & Wilson, K.S. (1978) "On the treatment of negative intensity observations." Acta Cryst. A34, 517-525.  See also: "Bayesian treatment of negative intensity measurements in crystallography" .
Gil, A., Segura, J. & Temme, N.M. (2006) "Algorithm 850: Real parabolic cylinder functions U(a,x), V(a,x)." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS). 32, 102-12.  See also: "Computing the real parabolic cylinder functions U(a,x), V(a,x)".
Morris, R.J., Blanc, E. & Bricogne, G. (2003) "On the interpretation and use of <|E|2>(d*) profiles." Acta Cryst. D60, 227-40.
Popov, A.N. & Bourenkov, G.P. (2003) "Choice of data-collection parameters based on statistical modelling." Acta Cryst. D59, 1145-53.
Wilson, A.J.C. (1987) "Treatment of enhanced zones and rows in
normalizing intensities." Acta Cryst. A43, 250-2.