- August 2024: Added option to read mmCIF format as an
alternative to the MTZ scaled unmerged and merged formats (note that
this is suitable for already scaled data only, such as SSX data).
- October 2023: The local average I/sigma(I) and Z(wCC_1/2)
now include unmeasured data for an improved ellipsoid fit.
- Previously only the measured data were included.  This gives
a smoother transition at the detector edges and therefore an improved
fit of the ellipsoid.
- Note that if a too-severe isotropic cut-off has previously been
applied to the input data, this will show as an outer shell of
observable (blue) lattice points, indicating that ideally these missing
reflections ought to have been measured.
- November 2020: New tool for output of anisotropy
addendum to Table 1 for historical data now available.
- April 2020: Support for download of MOL2-format
files for use locally in (for example) OpenAstexViewer or PyMOL has been
- Please use the WebGL app in the browser instead.
- January 2020: Output of mmCIF reflection files and update of
advice for PDB deposition.
- Reflection files in mmCIF format suitable for deposition are now
created after every successful run.
For unmerged data input using both the merged data
and unmerged data protocols the output mmCIF file from the
merging step (no diffraction cut-off) is concatenated (using Unix
'cat'), after insertion of a suitable software loop, to the final output
mmCIF file from the corresponding protocol pipeline.
For merged data input the input file in mmCIF format is
concatenated to the output mmCIF file from the server.
The deposition advice has been updated
- December 2019: Page and default filename
- Re-organised the home, 'about' and results pages.
- Changed the default filename identifier from '<job
ID>-staraniso' to '<job ID>-SWS' to avoid confusion between files
output by STARANISO and files output by other programs (this default can
be overridden by the user).
- Added description of file-naming scheme in the 'unmerged data'
June 2019: 3-D display of local weighted CC½
with option to apply a diffraction cut-off based on
wCC½, and 3-D display of the Kullback-Leibler
- The local per-reflection weighted CC½ is now
computed and displayed, and optionally may be used as the criterion for
the diffraction cut-off instead of the default local mean I
/σ(I).  There are two methods available to
compute it: 1) a modification of the half-dataset random-selection
method of Karplus & Diederichs, and 2) a modification of the
'σ-τ' method of Assmann, Brehm & Diederichs.  These
methods make different assumptions so there are likely to be significant
differences in the results obtained.  For each method the
modification consists of using inverse-variance weighting; this is
essential in the calculation of wCC½ because
significance tests on the standard Pearson correlation coefficient
assume homoscedasticity (equal variances) of the intensity measurements,
whereas in reality those measurements are strongly heteroscedastic.
In the case of unmerged data input the values of the half-dataset
mean intensities are added automatically to the input data and the
random-selection method is used.  The weighted 'σ-τ'
method is used for merged input data unless the user includes columns
labelled 'IHALF1' and 'IHALF2' as the half-dataset mean intensities, in
which case the first method is used.  The advantage of using
wCC½ over the mean I /σ(I) as
the cut-off criterion becomes apparent when the estimates of
σ(I) are inaccurate, as appears to be the case for
serial data.  Note that the 'σ-τ' method also relies on
the σ(I) values being accurate so should not be used if
those values are questionable.  The inverse-variance weighting also
uses the σ(I) values but since the weighting is
relative they need not be on the same scale as the values of
- The local mean Kullback-Leibler divergence DKL
has been added to the WebGL display.  DKL is the
posterior expectation of the log of the ratio of the posterior over the
prior probability and is a measure of the amount of information gained
from that intensity measurement over and above that gained from the
default Wilson prior (so zero if no information was gained from the
measurement, otherwise it's always positive).
- December 2018:  WebGL Reciprocal lattice viewer
- Made points depth-cued.
- Added 'Rock' & 'Roll' options, with speed & amplitude
selection.  See help info for new bindings of 'q', 'r' and arrow
- Added a new colour (9: pink) for 'red' points with I
/σ(I) > 3 (complement function key binding changed
to 'n').
- Added date stamp to Javascript sources to avoid caching problems.
- Added Get/Set orientation transfer facility (to provide identical
orientations between views in different browser windows).
- Replaced 'Off/On' button text with clearer 'Hide/Show'.
- Added more function buttons to allow colour selection for each scene
- Changed from frames to scrolling windows and added function buttons
for keyboard shortcuts (mostly for the benefit of tablet & smartphone
- December 2018:  STARANISO citation added to FAQ.
- August 2018:  3-D display of XDS profile-correlation CORR
statistic added.
A fourth type of interactive colour-coded reciprocal-lattice display
has been added when the input data are given as an unmerged XDS_ASCII.HKL
file (not MTZ format).  The left-most scene then shows the
value of the CORR statistic produced by XDS (item 11 in the file),
i.e. for each reflection, the correlation coefficient between the
observed reflection profile and the predicted profile that was used to
integrate it.
The profile correlation plot gives a primary diagnostic of problems
at the integration stage, as a mismatch of profiles could result from
shortcomings in the sample (e.g. a cracked crystal) or in the
profile estimation method (e.g. too coarse a partitioning of the
detector surface).  As the profile correlation is given on a
per-reflection basis, it is a more sensitive indication of such problems
than the loss in <I /σ(I)> that it
causes, since the latter quantity is a local average.
- May 2018:  Updated privacy policy.
- August 2017:  The reciprocal-lattice WebGL viewer now
features the display of redundancies for unmerged data and selection of
functions to be displayed.
- March 2017:  The STARANISO server can now handle unmerged
data (XDS ASCII or MTZ 'multi-record' format).
This development is in line with our philosophy of making as few
prior assumptions as possible about the data (motto: \"Let the data
Implicit assumptions made (incorrectly) by some software - namely
that the anisotropic diffraction-limit surface is ellipsoidal with
principal axes either parallel to the crystal axes or to the principal
axes of the anisotropy tensor ellipsoid - were already relaxed in the
previous version of the server, through a complete separation of the
rôles of the anisotropic diffraction limit and of the anisotropy
With this new development of a protocol for anisotropy correction at
the unmerged data stage, we go further.  By applying the anisotropic
diffraction cut-off at an earlier stage in processing to the unmerged
data, we try to ensure that weak measurements that can impact the
quality of the final data by biasing the image scales and the error
model can be eliminated early on in the process.
- August 2016:  The 3-D reciprocal-lattice displays now
use WebGL (JavaScript) instead of Java.
This requires that JavaScript is enabled in your browser, and no
longer requires prior installation of a Java plug-in (nor indeed of any
other additional software).
You are strongly advised to disable any
Java plug-ins that were installed solely for the purpose of using
previous versions of this server but are now no longer