The STARANISO ServerAnisotropy of the Diffraction Limit
"As a general rule when a deposition comes in where there has been additional processing of the structure factors we ask for either: the raw images to be deposited and the DOI provided to us or the structure factors prior to the additional processing to be added as a second datablock in the MTZ/mmCIF file.  This is to ensure that users have access to the data prior to the additional processing.  Currently STARANISO falls into this additional processing category, partly as it is new, but as techniques become used more widely we do review this and change our practice."
This is in fact the required input to the STARANISO server when using the 'merged data' protocol.  Note particularly that it is a requirement of the server, whether one submits unmerged data (already scaled or unscaled) or already merged data, that no diffraction cut-off of any kind has been applied, and we think this should also pertain to PDB deposition, since such a cut-off surely falls into the category of "additional processing", and therefore requires that the data prior to such processing be deposited.
NOTE: some refinement programs may mirror the input intensities/amplitudes in the output, so in those cases it is not strictly necessary to include mmCIF datablock #1 above, and it is sufficient to take both the intensities/amplitudes and the map coefficients from their output file.  It obviously does no harm to duplicate the information (provided of course the data are identical), but beware that some programs (e.g. currently REFMAC, though not BUSTER) write a modified version of the input data into their output file; in such a case it would be advisable to include all three (or more) datablocks.  For information on deposition of BUSTER refinement outputs consult the Wiki.