Experiment | |
Method _exptl.method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION The method used in the experiment. |
Experimental protocol _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol | MAD SINGLE WAVELENGTH, LAUE, or MAD. |
Source type _diffrn_source.source | SYNCHROTRON The general class of the radiation source. |
Source details _diffrn_source.type | SPRING-8 BEAMLINE BL26B1 The make, model or name of the source of radiation. |
Synchrotron site _diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_site | SPring-8 Synchrotron site. |
Beamline _diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_beamline | BL26B1 Synchrotron beamline. |
Temperature [K] _diffrn.ambient_temp | 100 The mean temperature in kelvins at which the intensities were |
Detector technology _diffrn_detector.detector | IMAGE PLATE The general class of the radiation detector. |
Collection date _diffrn_detector.pdbx_collection_date | 2003-01-04 The date of data collection. |
Detector _diffrn_detector.type | RIGAKU RAXIS The make, model or name of the detector device used. |
Wavelength(s) [Å] _diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength_list | 0.976, 0.97935, 0.982, 0.97904, 0.973 Comma separated list of wavelengths or wavelength range. |
Software | |
Data reduction _software.classification | HKL-2000 The classification of the program according to its |
Data scaling _software.classification | SCALEPACK The classification of the program according to its |
Phasing _software.classification | SOLVE The classification of the program according to its |
Refinement _software.classification | CNS (1.1) The classification of the program according to its |
General information | |
Spacegroup name _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M | C 1 2 1 Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol. Note that the |
Unit cell parameters _cell.length_{a,b,c} _cell.angle_{alpha,beta,gamma} | 167.419 Unit-cell length a corresponding to the structure reported in 61.405 Unit-cell length b corresponding to the structure reported in 102.389 Unit-cell length c corresponding to the structure reported in 90.00 Unit-cell angle alpha of the reported structure in degrees. 93.97 Unit-cell angle beta of the reported structure in degrees. 90.00 Unit-cell angle gamma of the reported structure in degrees. |
Wavelength _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength | 1.00000 The radiation wavelength in angstroms. 0.97600 The radiation wavelength in angstroms. 0.97935 The radiation wavelength in angstroms. 0.98200 The radiation wavelength in angstroms. 0.97904 The radiation wavelength in angstroms. 0.97300 ÅThe radiation wavelength in angstroms. |
Data quality metrics | Overall | OuterShell |
Low resolution limit [Å] _reflns.d_resolution_low _reflns_shell.d_res_low | 50.000 The largest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings | 1.970 The highest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings |
High resolution limit [Å] _reflns.d_resolution_high _reflns_shell.d_res_high | 1.900 The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings | 1.900 The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings |
Rmerge _reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs | 0.053 The R value for merging intensities satisfying the observed | 0.501 The value of Rmerge(I) for reflections classified as 'observed' |
Rmeas | - | - |
Rpim | - | - |
Total number of observations | - | - |
Total number unique _reflns.number_obs _reflns_shell.number_unique_all | 80673 The number of reflections in the REFLN list (not the DIFFRN_REFLN | 7693 The total number of measured reflections which are symmetry- |
<I/σ(I)> _reflns.pdbx_netI_over_sigmaI _reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_obs | 19.80 The mean of the ratio of the intensities to their | 2.10 The ratio of the mean of the intensities of the reflections |
Completeness [%] _reflns.percent_possible_obs _reflns_shell.percent_possible_all | 98.7 The percentage of geometrically possible reflections represented | 98.2 The percentage of geometrically possible reflections represented |
Multiplicity _reflns.pdbx_redundancy _reflns_shell.pdbx_redundancy | 3.6 Overall redundancy for this data set. | 3.5 Redundancy for the current shell. |
CC(1/2) | - | - |
Refinement | |
PDB entry ID _entry.id | 1VCH |
Deposition date _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date | 2004-03-08 |
Resolution _refine.ls_d_res_low _refine.ls_d_res_high | 45.0 - 1.940 Å |
Rwork/Rfree _refine.ls_R_factor_R_work _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free | 0.2320 / 0.2590 |
Structure solution method _refine.pdbx_method_to_determine_struct | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT, MAD |
Starting model (for MR) _refine.pdbx_starting_model | Partial structure from MAD data set |