Data quality metrics extracted from 8sc7.cif.gz by aB_cif2table1 from BUSTER (Global Phasing Ltd.). See also the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary.

Experimental information for 8SC7 at RCSB, PDBe, PDBj

  The method used in the experiment.
Experimental protocol
Source type
  The general class of the radiation source.
Source details
  The make, model or name of the source of radiation.
Synchrotron site
  Synchrotron site.
  Synchrotron beamline.
Temperature [K]
  The mean temperature in kelvins at which the intensities were
Detector technology
  The general class of the radiation detector.
Collection date
  The date of data collection.
  The make, model or name of the detector device used.
Wavelength(s) [Å]
  Comma separated list of wavelengths or wavelength range.
Data processing
autoPROC (1.1.7 20220608)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
Data reduction
XDS (Jan 10, 2022)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
Data scaling #1
Aimless (0.7.9)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
Data scaling #2
STARANISO (2.3.87)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
REFMAC (5.8.0352)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
REFMAC (5.8.0352)
  The classification of the program according to its
  major function.
General information
Spacegroup name
I 2 3
  Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol. Note that the
  Hermann-Mauguin symbol does not necessarily contain complete
  information about the symmetry and the space-group origin. If
  used, always supply the FULL symbol from International Tables
  for Crystallography Vol. A (2002) and indicate the origin and
  the setting if it is not implicit. If there is any doubt that
  the equivalent positions can be uniquely deduced from this
  symbol, specify the _symmetry_equiv.pos_as_xyz or
  _symmetry.space_group_name_Hall data items as well. Leave
  spaces between symbols referring to
  different axes.
Unit cell parameters
_cell.length_{a,b,c} _cell.angle_{alpha,beta,gamma}
  Unit-cell length a corresponding to the structure reported in
  Unit-cell length b corresponding to the structure reported in
  Unit-cell length c corresponding to the structure reported in
  Unit-cell angle alpha of the reported structure in degrees.
  Unit-cell angle beta of the reported structure in degrees.
  Unit-cell angle gamma of the reported structure in degrees.
  The radiation wavelength in angstroms.

Diffraction limits
Principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface
  Anisotropic diffraction limit along principal axis 1 (of
  ellipsoid fitted to the diffraction cut-off surface).
  Principal axis 1 (X component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 1 (Y component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 1 (Z component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Anisotropic diffraction limit along principal axis 2 (of
  ellipsoid fitted to the diffraction cut-off surface)
  Principal axis 2 (X component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 2 (Y component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 2 (Z component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Anisotropic diffraction limit along principal axis 3 (of
  ellipsoid fitted to the diffraction cut-off surface)
  Principal axis 3 (X component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 3 (Y component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by
  Principal axis 3 (Z component) of ellipsoid fitted to the
  diffraction cut-off surface. The applicable orthogonalization
  convention is that specified by

Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
local <I/sigmaI>
  Type of signal used for
  _reflns.pdbx_observed_signal_threshold and _refln.pdbx_signal
  In the enumeration details:
  Imean is the inverse-variance weighted mean intensity of all
  measurements for a given symmetry-unique reflection
  Ihalf is the inverse-variance weighted mean intensity of a
  random half-selection of all measurements for a
  given symmetry-unique reflection
  The threshold value for _refln.pdbx_signal as used to
  define the status of an individual reflection according
  to the description in _refln.pdbx_signal_status.

Data quality metricsOverallInnerShellOuterShell
Low resolution limit [Å]
_reflns.d_resolution_low _reflns_shell.d_res_low
  The largest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflection data. This is called the lowest resolution.
  The highest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflections in this shell. This is called the lowest
  The highest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflections in this shell. This is called the lowest
High resolution limit [Å]
_reflns.d_resolution_high _reflns_shell.d_res_high
  The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflection data. This is called the highest resolution.
  The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflections in this shell. This is called the highest
  The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings
  for the reflections in this shell. This is called the highest
_reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs
  The R value for merging intensities satisfying the observed
  criteria in this data set.
  The value of Rmerge(I) for reflections classified as 'observed'
  (see _reflns.observed_criterion) in a given shell.
  sum~i~(sum~j~|I~j~ - <I>|)
  Rmerge(I) = --------------------------
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection
  The value of Rmerge(I) for reflections classified as 'observed'
  (see _reflns.observed_criterion) in a given shell.
  sum~i~(sum~j~|I~j~ - <I>|)
  Rmerge(I) = --------------------------
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection
_reflns.pdbx_Rrim_I_all _reflns_shell.pdbx_Rrim_I_all
  The redundancy-independent merging R factor value Rrim,
  also denoted Rmeas, for merging all intensities in this
  data set.
  sum~i~ [N~i~/(N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rrim = ----------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
   N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
  The redundancy-independent merging R factor value Rrim,
  also denoted Rmeas, for merging all intensities in a
  given shell.
  sum~i~ [N~i~ /( N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rrim = --------------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
   N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
  The redundancy-independent merging R factor value Rrim,
  also denoted Rmeas, for merging all intensities in a
  given shell.
  sum~i~ [N~i~ /( N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rrim = --------------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
   N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
_reflns.pdbx_Rpim_I_all _reflns_shell.pdbx_Rpim_I_all
  The precision-indicating merging R factor value Rpim,
  for merging all intensities in this data set.
  sum~i~ [1/(N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rpim = --------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations
  of reflection i
  N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
  The precision-indicating merging R factor value Rpim,
  for merging all intensities in a given shell.
  sum~i~ [1/(N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rpim = --------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
  N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
  The precision-indicating merging R factor value Rpim,
  for merging all intensities in a given shell.
  sum~i~ [1/(N~i~ - 1)]1/2^ sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I~i~> |
  Rpim = --------------------------------------------------
  sum~i~ ( sum~j~ I~j~ )
  I~j~ = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
  <I~i~> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
  reflection i
  N~i~ = the redundancy (the number of times reflection i
  has been measured).
  sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
  sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.
  Ref: Diederichs, K. & Karplus, P. A. (1997). Nature Struct.
  Biol. 4, 269-275.
  Weiss, M. S. & Hilgenfeld, R. (1997). J. Appl. Cryst.
  30, 203-205.
  Weiss, M. S. (2001). J. Appl. Cryst. 34, 130-135.
Total number of observations
_reflns.pdbx_number_measured_all _reflns_shell.number_measured_all
  Total number of measured reflections.
  The total number of reflections measured for this
  The total number of reflections measured for this
Total number unique
_reflns.number_obs _reflns_shell.number_unique_all
  The number of reflections in the REFLN list (not the DIFFRN_REFLN
  list) classified as observed (see _reflns.observed_criterion).
  This number may contain Friedel-equivalent reflections according
  to the nature of the structure and the procedures used.
  The total number of measured reflections which are symmetry-
  unique after merging for this shell.
  The total number of measured reflections which are symmetry-
  unique after merging for this shell.
_reflns.pdbx_netI_over_sigmaI _reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_obs
  The mean of the ratio of the intensities to their
  standard uncertainties, <I/sigma(I)>.
  The ratio of the mean of the intensities of the reflections
  classified as 'observed' (see _reflns.observed_criterion) in
  this shell to the mean of the standard uncertainties of the
  intensities of the 'observed' reflections in this
  The ratio of the mean of the intensities of the reflections
  classified as 'observed' (see _reflns.observed_criterion) in
  this shell to the mean of the standard uncertainties of the
  intensities of the 'observed' reflections in this
Completeness (spherical) [%]
_reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_spherical _reflns_shell.pdbx_percent_possible_spherical
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the sphere defined by the diffraction limits
  (_reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low) relative to all possible
  symmetry-unique reflections within that sphere.
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns.percent_possible_obs.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the spherical shell defined by its diffraction
  limits (_reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) relative to all
  possible symmetry-unique reflections within that shell.
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_all.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the spherical shell defined by its diffraction
  limits (_reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) relative to all
  possible symmetry-unique reflections within that shell.
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_all.
Completeness (ellipsoidal) [%]
_reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_ellipsoidal _reflns_shell.pdbx_percent_possible_ellipsoidal
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the intersection of (1) a sphere (defined by the
  diffraction limits, _reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low) and (2) the ellipsoid
  (described by __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_*
  items), relative to all possible symmetry-unique
  reflections within that intersection.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the intersection of (1) a spherical shell
  (defined by its diffraction limits,
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) and (2) the ellipsoid
  (described by __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_*
  items), relative to all possible symmetry-unique
  reflections within that intersection.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique data
  within the intersection of (1) a spherical shell
  (defined by its diffraction limits,
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) and (2) the ellipsoid
  (described by __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_*
  items), relative to all possible symmetry-unique
  reflections within that intersection.
_reflns.pdbx_redundancy _reflns_shell.pdbx_redundancy
  Overall redundancy for this data set.
  Redundancy for the current shell.
  Redundancy for the current shell.
_reflns.pdbx_CC_half _reflns_shell.pdbx_CC_half
  The Pearson's correlation coefficient expressed as a decimal value
  between the average intensities from randomly selected
   Ref: Karplus & Diederichs (2012), Science 336, 1030-33
  The Pearson's correlation coefficient expressed as a decimal value
  between the average intensities from randomly selected
  half-datasets within the resolution shell.
   Ref: Karplus & Diederichs (2012), Science 336, 1030-33
  The Pearson's correlation coefficient expressed as a decimal value
  between the average intensities from randomly selected
  half-datasets within the resolution shell.
   Ref: Karplus & Diederichs (2012), Science 336, 1030-33
Anomalous completeness (spherical)
_reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_spherical_anomalous _reflns_shell.pdbx_percent_possible_spherical_anomalous
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the sphere defined by
  the diffraction limits (_reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low) relative to all possible
  symmetry-unique anomalous difference data within that
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_anomalous.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the spherical shell
  defined by its diffraction limits
  (_reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) relative to all
  possible symmetry-unique anomalous difference data
  within that shell.
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_anomalous.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the spherical shell
  defined by its diffraction limits
  (_reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) relative to all
  possible symmetry-unique anomalous difference data
  within that shell.
  In the absence of an anisotropy description this is
  identical to _reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_anomalous.
Anomalous completeness (ellipsoidal)
_reflns.pdbx_percent_possible_ellipsoidal_anomalous _reflns_shell.pdbx_percent_possible_ellipsoidal_anomalous
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the intersection of
  (1) a sphere (defined by the diffraction limits,
  _reflns.d_resolution_high and _reflns.d_resolution_low)
  and (2) the ellipsoid (described by
  __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_* items),
  relative to all possible symmetry-unique anomalous
  difference data within that intersection.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the intersection of
  (1) a spherical shell (defined by its diffraction
  limits, _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) and (2) the ellipsoid
  (described by __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_*
  items), relative to all possible symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within that intersection.
  Completeness (as a percentage) of symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within the intersection of
  (1) a spherical shell (defined by its diffraction
  limits, _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) and (2) the ellipsoid
  (described by __reflns.pdbx_aniso_diffraction_limit_*
  items), relative to all possible symmetry-unique
  anomalous difference data within that intersection.
Anomalous multiplicity
_reflns.pdbx_redundancy_anomalous _reflns_shell.pdbx_redundancy_anomalous
  The overall redundancy of anomalous difference data
  within the sphere defined by the diffraction limits
  (_reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low), i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
  The redundancy of anomalous difference data within the
  spherical shell (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low), i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
  The redundancy of anomalous difference data within the
  spherical shell (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low), i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
_reflns.pdbx_CC_half_anomalous _reflns_shell.pdbx_CC_half_anomalous
  The overall correlation coefficient between two randomly
  chosen half-sets of anomalous intensity differences,
  I(+)-I(-) for anomalous data within the sphere defined
  by the diffraction limits (_reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low), i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
  The correlation coefficient within the spherical shell
  (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) between two randomly
  chosen half-sets of anomalous intensity differences,
  I(+)-I(-) for anomalous data, i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
  The correlation coefficient within the spherical shell
  (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_low) between two randomly
  chosen half-sets of anomalous intensity differences,
  I(+)-I(-) for anomalous data, i.e. data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
_reflns.pdbx_absDiff_over_sigma_anomalous _reflns_shell.pdbx_absDiff_over_sigma_anomalous
  The overall mean ratio of absolute anomalous intensity
  differences to their standard deviation within the
  sphere defined by the diffraction limits
  (_reflns.d_resolution_high and
  _reflns.d_resolution_low) and using data for which
  intensities for both instances of a Friedel pair are
  available for an acentric reflection.
  Dano = I(+) - I(-)
  sigma(Dano) = sqrt( sigma(I(+))^2 + sigma(I(-))^2 )
  The mean ratio of absolute anomalous intensity
  differences to their standard deviation within the
  spherical shell (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  Dano = I(+) - I(-)
  sigma(Dano) = sqrt( sigma(I(+))^2 + sigma(I(-))^2 )
  The mean ratio of absolute anomalous intensity
  differences to their standard deviation within the
  spherical shell (defined by its diffraction limits
  _reflns_shell.d_resolution_high and
  Dano = I(+) - I(-)
  sigma(Dano) = sqrt( sigma(I(+))^2 + sigma(I(-))^2 )

PDB entry ID
Deposition date