Experiment | |
Method _exptl.method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION The method used in the experiment. |
Experimental protocol _diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol | SINGLE WAVELENGTH SINGLE WAVELENGTH, LAUE, or MAD. |
Source type _diffrn_source.source | SYNCHROTRON The general class of the radiation source. |
Source details _diffrn_source.type | SRS BEAMLINE PX9.5 The make, model or name of the source of radiation. |
Synchrotron site _diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_site | SRS Synchrotron site. |
Beamline _diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_beamline | PX9.5 Synchrotron beamline. |
Temperature [K] _diffrn.ambient_temp | 298 The mean temperature in kelvins at which the intensities were |
Detector technology _diffrn_detector.detector | IMAGE PLATE The general class of the radiation detector. |
Detector _diffrn_detector.type | MARRESEARCH The make, model or name of the detector device used. |
Software | |
Data reduction #1 _software.classification | MOSFLM The classification of the program according to its |
Data reduction #2 _software.classification | ROTAVATA The classification of the program according to its |
Data scaling #1 _software.classification | CCP4 (AGROVATA The classification of the program according to its |
Data scaling #2 _software.classification | ROTAVATA The classification of the program according to its |
Phasing _software.classification | AMoRE The classification of the program according to its |
Refinement _software.classification | RESTRAIN The classification of the program according to its |
General information | |
Spacegroup name _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M | P 32 2 1 Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol. Note that the |
Unit cell parameters _cell.length_{a,b,c} _cell.angle_{alpha,beta,gamma} | 86.91 Unit-cell length a corresponding to the structure reported in 86.91 Unit-cell length b corresponding to the structure reported in 110.23 Unit-cell length c corresponding to the structure reported in 90.0 Unit-cell angle alpha of the reported structure in degrees. 90.0 Unit-cell angle beta of the reported structure in degrees. 120.0 Unit-cell angle gamma of the reported structure in degrees. |
Wavelength _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength | 0.92000 ÅThe radiation wavelength in angstroms. |
Data quality metrics | Overall |
Low resolution limit [Å] _reflns.d_resolution_low | 15.600 The largest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings |
High resolution limit [Å] _reflns.d_resolution_high | 2.700 The smallest value in angstroms for the interplanar spacings |
Rmerge _reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs | 0.150 The R value for merging intensities satisfying the observed |
Rmeas | - |
Rpim | - |
Total number of observations | - |
Total number unique _reflns.number_obs | 12831 The number of reflections in the REFLN list (not the DIFFRN_REFLN |
<I/σ(I)> | - |
Completeness [%] _reflns.percent_possible_obs | 93.7 The percentage of geometrically possible reflections represented |
Multiplicity _reflns.pdbx_redundancy | 5.0 Overall redundancy for this data set. |
CC(1/2) | - |
Refinement | |
PDB entry ID _entry.id | 1FQ6 |
Deposition date _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date | 2000-09-03 |
Resolution _refine.ls_d_res_low _refine.ls_d_res_high | 15.6 - 2.700 Å |
R _refine.ls_R_factor_obs | 0.1800 WARNING: no Rwork given |
Rfree _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free | 0.2700 |