ROTMAT (CCP4: Supported Program)


rotmat - interconverts CCP4/MERLOT/X-PLOR rotation angles.


[Keyworded input]


This program converts the CCP4/MERLOT/X-PLOR rotation angles to any other format, and generates their symmetry equivalents. MERLOT/CCP4 conventions are the same; X-PLOR is different. See below for further details of this.

It also tests whether [Ri]*[Rj]**-1 satisfies some target. This is useful for checking whether your set of solutions agree with a self rotation, or perhaps some outside criteria.


The various data control lines are identified by keywords, those available being:

CRYSTAL and INPUT are compulsory. CRYSTAL (with CELL information) must be given before INPUT, OUTPUT or TARGET.

CRYSTAL subkeyword ..

NUMBER <crystal number>
<crystal number> must be 1 or 2. In cases where two CRYSTALs are defined with different spacegroups and cell parameters, then crystal 2 should correspond to the set of coordinates which are rotated by the INPUT solutions to overlap those in crystal 1 i.e. crystal 1 represents the data and crystal 2 the model.
FILE <crystal number>
<crystal number> must be 1 or 2
ORTH <ncode>
<ncode> is the orthogonalisation code.
SYMM <SG number> | <SG name>
specifies the spacegroup in International Tables style.
CELL <a> <b> <c> [ <alpha> <beta> <gamma> ]
Specify the cell dimensions (Å) and angles (degrees). The angles default to 90 degrees and rarely need to be changed - just for peak analysis.


Produces lots more output.

INPUT CCP4 | MERLOT | XPLOR subkeywords ...


Input a rotation in a specified format. Format conversion is performed and the results output.

The possible subsidiary keywords are: ALPHA, THETA, OMEGA, PSI, PHI, AXIS and MATRIX, followed by appropriate numbers.

ALPHA [ BETA GAMMA ] <alpha> [ <beta> <gamma> ]
alpha beta gamma.
THETA1 [ THETA2 THETA3 ] <theta1> [ <theta2> <theta3> ]
theta1 theta2 theta3
OMEGA [ PHI KAPPA ] <omega> [ <phi> <kappa> ]
omega phi kappa
PSI [ PHI KAPPA ] <psi> [ <phi> <kappa> ]
psi phi kappa
PHI [ PSI KAPPA ] <phi> [ <psi> <kappa> ]
phi kappa
direction cosines - kappa - special for XPLOR.
MATRIX <r11> <r12> <r13> <r21> <r22> <r23> <r31> <r32> <r33>
Specifies matrix elements. Be careful of transpose.


Input a target rotation. The subsidiary keywords for TARGET have the same format as those for INPUT.

If OUTPUT is specified, checks whether


lies near the identity matrix, i.e. it checks if Kappa of this matrix is less than the acceptable error given by the ERROR keyword for pairs of INPUTs. This may be useful to see whether two cross rotation solutions are consistent with a given self rotation specified as a TARGET.


The subsidiary keywords for OUTPUT have the same format as those for INPUT but the MATRIX sub-keyword doesn't take arguments and implies VERBOSE.

If an INPUT line is followed by OUTPUT request, all symmetry equivalent solutions are given using CCP4 conventions. For this, CRYSTAL information must have been supplied. If both appropriate sub-keywords and VERBOSE are specified, then symmetry equivalents in other conventions are given.

If a TARGET line is followed by OUTPUT request, checks matrix pairs to see if they fit self rotation defined by TARGET rotation angles.

ERROR <kappa>

Specify the acceptable error limit <kappa> for the TARGET command. Default value is 10.0.


Terminates input.


For each INPUT the full set of rotation angles for all the other conventions is calculated. These are corrected for the appropriate orthogonalisation. Theory:

For the self rotation, where coordinates [X'O] are mapped onto [XO]

         [Rncode=i] [X'Oncode=i]  = [XOncode=i]          (1)
   and   [Rncode=j] [X'Oncode=j]  = [XOncode=j]          (2)

Remember: fractional coordinates are invariant, and
          [XOncode=?] = [ROncode=?] [Xf] for any ncode.
 Since       [RFncode=?] [ROncode=?] ==[I]                (3)

          [Xf] = [RFncode=?] [XOncode=?].

 So       [XOncode=j] = [ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [XOncode=i]

Now (2) can be rewritten as
          [Rncode=j][ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [X'Oncode=i]
               =       [ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [XOncode=i]

Rearranging this:
 [RFncode=i]**(-1) [ROncode=j]**(-1) [Rncode=j][ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [X'Oncode=i]
               = [XOncode=i]

>From (3) it follows that
          [RFncode=?]**(-1) = [ROncode=?]
     and  [ROncode=?]**(-1) = [RFncode=?]

so (2) becomes
     [ROncode=i][RFncode=j][Rncode=j][ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [X'Oncode=i]
               = [XOncode=i]

 i.e. [ROncode=i][RFncode=j][Rncode=j][ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] == [Rncode=i]

For the cross rotation, where model coordinates [YO] are mapped onto some [XO] we do not need to consider more than one orthogonalisation code for the [YO]. These coordinates are always positioned in some orthogonal P1 cell.
         [Rncode=i] [YO]  = [XOncode=i]           (4)
   and   [Rncode=j] [YO]  = [XOncode=j]           (5)

Eq. (5) can be rewritten as
       [Rncode=j] [YO]  = [ROncode=j] [RFncode=i] [XOncode=i]

and rearranging this:
      [RFncode=i]**(-1) [ROncode=j]**(-1) [Rncode=j] [YO]  = [XOncode=i]
 i.e.   [ROncode=i][RFncode=j][Rncode=j] == [Rncode=i]

Similar arguments can be used to get the symmetry equivalents of any [R]

ALMN and POLARRFN allow you to choose your orthogonalisation convention whereas MERLOT and X-PLOR have fixed values.

The orthogonal axes I J K are defined thus:

  NCODE = 1  I parallel to a, K parallel to c*, J in a-b plane.
  NCODE = 2  I parallel to b, K parallel to a*, J in b-c plane.
  NCODE = 3  I parallel to c, K parallel to b*, J in c-a plane.
  NCODE = 5  I parallel to a*, K parallel to c, J in b-c plane.
  NCODE = 6  I parallel to a, K parallel to b*, J in c-a plane.
(Others are listed in the ALMN documentation.)

MERLOT and X-PLOR are both fixed:

Monoclinic spacegroups - b rotation: NCODE = 3, i.e.
I parallel to c, K parallel to b*( = b), J in a-c plane.
All others: NCODE = 5, i.e.
I parallel to a*, K parallel to c, J in b-c plane.
All spacegroups: NCODE = 1, i.e.
I parallel to a, K parallel to c* (= b), J in a-b plane.


#  So  far program messages are:
#    Input/Output MERLOT ALPHA  BETA   GAMMA
#    Input/Output MERLOT PHI    PSI    KAPPA
#    Input/Output MERLOT MATRIX
#    Input/Output CCP4   ALPHA  BETA   GAMMA
#    Input/Output CCP4   PHI    PSI    KAPPA
#    Input/Output CCP4   MATRIX
#    Input/Output XPLOR  THETA1 THETA2 THETA3
#    Input/Output XPLOR  PHI    PSI    KAPPA
#    Input/Output XPLOR  MATRIX
rotmat << eof
CRYSTAL number 1 cell 20 30 40 90 110 90
CRYSTAL number 1 orth 3
CRYSTAL number 2 symm 19 cell 60 70 80 90 90 90 orth 1
INPUT XPLOR phi psi kappa 62.9 112 140 
INPUT XPLOR phi psi kappa 63  106.46 156.663 
INPUT XPLOR phi psi kappa 43 8   137
OUTPUT MERLOT phi psi kappa 



Here the letters I J K represent AXES, while X Y Z represent COORDINATES in the ORTHOGONAL axial frame.
Positive rotations appear ANTI-CLOCKWISE when viewed toward the origin from the positive direction of the rotation axis.
All matrices are listed here as the TRANSPOSE of those in the MERLOT documentation. MERLOT gives matrices to rotate a COLUMN vector of AXES.

Rotation matrices to PREMULTIPLY coordinate columns or POSTMULTIPLY axis rows vectors are defined as follows:

  1. Using Eulerian angles ALPHA BETA GAMMA (CCP4/MERLOT) relative to orthogonal axes (I J K) and defining [R] as the product of:
            Rotation 1 (ALPHA) about K         :  [R]alpha
            Rotation 2 (BETA)  about the new J :  [R]beta
            Rotation 3 (GAMMA) about the new K :  [R]gamma
        (and abbreviating cos(ALPHA) = CA; sin(BETA) = SB etc)
           [ R11 R12 R13 ]
           [ R21 R22 R23 ]  =  [ R]alpha * [R]beta * [R]gamma 
           [ R31 R32 R33 ]
                               [CA -SA 0] [ CB 0 SB] [CG -SG 0]
                            =  [SA  CA 0]*[  0 1  0]*[SG  CG 0] 
                               [ 0   0 1] [-SB 0 CB] [ 0   0 1]
          ( CA CB CG - SA SG      -CA CB SG - SA CG      CA SB )
        = ( SA CB CG + CA SG      -SA CB SG + CA CG      SA SB )
          (         -SB CG                  SB SG           CB )
    Note that the rotation matrix generated from (ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA) is identical to that generated from (PI+ALPHA,-BETA,PI+GAMMA) so it is conventional to restrict BETA to range: 0 to PI
    If you think of coordinates as vector products of the row vector of the AXES by the column vector of orthogonal coordinates
                                 [ I J K] * [ X0]
                                            [ Y0]
                                            [ Z0]
    and a rotation matrix [R] as moving these to
                           [ I J K] * [R] * [ X0]
                                            [ Y0]
                                            [ Z0]
    then it is obvious that rotation [R] can be seen either
    as rotating the axes [I J K ] by ALPHA then BETA then GAMMA or
    as rotating coordinates [X0] by -GAMMA then -BETA then -ALPHA.
  2. Using polar angles PSI/OMEGA PHI KAPPA (N.B. Merlot PSI identical to CCP4 OMEGA):
    The definition is:
    gives inclination of rotation axis to K axis;
    gives anticlockwise rotation from I to projection of rotation axis onto I-J plane;
    is the rotation about the rotation axis.
    Int. Tab. Vol 2 (p 59?) gives this rotation matrix:
    (l m n) are the direction cosines of the axis about which the rotation KAPPA takes place.
     (abbreviating cos(OMEGA) = CO; sin(PHI) = SP etc)
             ( l )             ( SO*CP )
             ( m )     =       ( SO*SP )
             ( n )             (    CO )
     and   [ R11 R12 R13 ]
           [ R21 R22 R23 ]   =
           [ R31 R32 R33 ]
         ( ll+(mm+nn)CK     lm(1-CK)-nSK     nl(1-CK)+mSK )
         ( lm(1-CK)+nSK     mm+(ll+nn)CK     mn(1-CK)-lSK )
         ( nl(1-CK)-mSK     mn(1-CK)+lSK     nn+(ll+mm)CK )
    Note that the rotation matrix generated from (OMEGA,PHI,KAPPA) is identical to that generated from (PI-OMEGA,PI+PHI,-KAPPA) so it is conventional to restrict KAPPA to range: 0 to PI
    An alternative definition which generates the same matrix is given in the MERLOT documentation:
         This can be visualised as
         Rotation 1 (PHI  )  about Z
         Rotation 2 (PSI  )  about the new Y
         Rotation 3 (KAPPA)  about the new Z
         Rotation 4 (PSI-1)  about the new Y
         Rotation 5 (PHI-1)  about the new Z
  3. Using Eulerian angles THETA1 THETA2 THETA3
         Rotation 1 (THETA1) about K
         Rotation 2 (THETA2) about the new I
         Rotation 3 (THETA3) about the new K
    Rotation 1   =                CT1      -ST1       0  
                                  ST1       CT1       0 
                                  0         0         1
    Rotation 2   =                1         0         0 
                                  0         CT2      -ST2
                                  0         ST2       CT2
    Rotation 3   =                CT3      -ST3       0
                                  ST3       CT3       0 
                                  0         0         1
     Matrix for axis system is 
        Rotation 3 (Rotation 2 (Rotation 1) ) =  
           CT1*CT3             -CT1*ST3             ST1*ST2 
          -ST1*CT2*ST3         -ST1*CT2*CT3           
           ST1*CT3             -ST1*ST3            -CT1*ST2
          +CT1*CT2*ST3         +CT1*CT2*CT3   
           ST2*ST3              ST2*CT3             CT2
    Note that the rotation matrix generated from (THETA1,THETA2,THETA3) is identical to that generated from (PI+THETA1,-THETA2,PI+THETA3) so it is conventional to restrict THETA2 to range: 0 to PI


These are not very clear in the documentation: the following definitions are taken from the program and SHOULD BE CHECKED.

Extracts from subroutine rotmat.

 Routine computes unitary rotation matrix ROT using
 a) Eulerian angles (MODE=EULE),
 b) Lattman angles (MODE=LATT), 
 c) Spherical polar angles (MODE=SPHE) or 
 d) A rotation about the specified axis (MODE=AXIS).
In Eulerian mode, angles are
In Lattman mode, angles are
In Spherical or Axis mode:
compute rotation matrix corresponding to the three spherical polar angles PSI=t1, PHI=t2 and KAPPA=t3.

N.B. BEWARE: The angle convention is DIFFERENT to MERLOT/CCP4.
The rotation is described by specification of the direction of an axis through

(azimuthal angle between the I axis and the projection of the rotation axis on the I-K plane)
(inclination versus J axis).

The angle KAPPA specifies the rotation around the specified axis. The KAPPA angle is anti-clockwise when looking along the rotation axis. The PHI angle is anti-clockwise when looking along J.

In axis mode we obtain the PSI, PHI spherical polar angles from the AXIS vector.


    ROT(3,3) contains the rotation matrix.  Should be applied as 
   r''(i)=sum_j ROT(i,j)*r(j)
BUT EJD thinks the X-PLOR matrix equals CCP4/MERLOT matrix transpose. This means that: Eulerian XT1 XT2 XT3 (X-PLOR) = -T3 -T2 -T1 (MERLOT). Which is the same as PI-T3 T2 PI-T1.

The matrix for X-PLOR axis system in Eulerian theta is

       CT1*CT3              ST1*CT3             ST2*ST3 
      -ST1*CT2*ST3         +CT1*CT2*ST3           

      -CT1*ST3             -ST1*ST3             ST2*CT3
      -ST1*CT2*CT3         +CT1*CT2*CT3   

       ST1*ST2             -CT1*ST2             CT2
To derive the rotation matrix for X-PLOR spherical polar angles PHI,PSI,and KAPPA.
     This can be visualised as
     Rotation 1 (PHI  )  about K
     Rotation 2 (PSI  )  about the new J
     Rotation 3 (KAPPA)  about the new K

     Rotation 4 (PSI-1)  about the new J
     Rotation 5 (PHI-1)  about the new K

    +CK                 -SF*SP*SK           -CP*SK 
    +CF*CF*SP*SP(1-CK)  +CF*SP*CP*(1-CK)    -SF*CF*SP*SP(1-CK)

    +SP*SF*SK           +CK                 +CF*SP*SK  
    +CF*SP*CP(1-CK)     +CP*CP(1-CK)        -SF*CP*SP(1-CK)

    +CP*SK              -CF*SP*SK           +CK 
    -SF*CF*SP*SP(1-CK)  -SF*CP*SP(1-CK)     +SF*SF*SP*SP(1-CK)


allows the user to request their own orthogonalisation. Useful ones are
  I parallel to a, J in a-b plane, K parallel to c*(ncode = 1)
  I parallel to b, J in b-c plane, K parallel to a*(ncode = 2)
  I parallel to c, J in c-a plane, K parallel to b*(ncode = 3)
always uses ncode = 5 for all spacegroups except the monoclinic (b unique) spacegroups where it uses ncode = 3.
always uses NCODE = 1


Eleanor Dodson, York University, Jan 1992