In order to handle the case of unmerged data being
submitted to the server (i.e. the recommended approach), an extra
column (label = 'SA_flag', type = 'I') has been added to the STARANISO
output MTZ file.  SA_flag has one of 4 possible values, as follows:
SA_flag value | Point color | Meaning*
0 or MNF (missing) | Grey | Unobservable
1 | Dark blue | Observable
2 | Red or pink | Unobserved
3 | Orange through white | Observed
for an explanation of the terminology used here.
Note that currently only values 1 and 3 are output.  This means
that the uniqueify script (or other method) can
be used in the normal way to add missing reflections with test-set
(Rfree) flags to the output MTZ file from
STARANISO.  It is then necessary to select only reflections with a
valid SA_flag value (i.e. the reflections with valid data inside
the diffraction cut-off surface).  This can easily be achieved using
utility to select the valid reflections from the output file from
STARANISO before attempting to use the data in refinement, for
> read input.mtz
> select col SA_flag present
> delete col SA_flag
> write output.mtz
> end