AMORE (CCP4: Supported Program)


AMoRe - Jorge Navaza's state-of-the-art molecular replacement package, updated February 1999.
The SORTFUN and TABFUN output are NOT compatible with the old version.
New keyword CRYSTAL for TABFUN.
[Keyworded input]



AMoRe includes routines to run a complete molecular replacement.

As well as carrying out ROTATION and TRANSLATION searches against various targets, and doing RIGID BODY REFINEMENT, there are routines to reformat the observed data from the new crystal form, and to generate and tabulate structure factors from the model in a large P1 cell. See reference [1].

The steps are usually carried out in the following order:

  1. The observed data is extended to cover a hemisphere of reciprocal space and reformatted.
  2. Structure factors for the model are tabulated on a fine grid (corresponding to a large "unit cell"). This is the key to the program's speed. All subsequent structure factors required for the searches are obtained by interpolating into this table. The structure factors can be calculated within AMoRe from a set of coordinates, using the option TABFUN, or generated outside the program and read in using the option SORTFUN.
  3. The rotation function is run searching for Patterson correlation within a sphere centred on the origin. This allows the Patterson to be expressed in terms of spherical harmonics, and the calculation to exploit FFT techniques. Two different types of indicators of a good solution are given (see also below):
    1. The correlation between the observed and model pattersons;
    2. Correlation coefficients and Rfactors between the observed Fs or Is and generated Fs or Is from a model with the given orientation.

AMoRe requires a LOT of memory and this may cause problems on some machines. However this new release is considerably less demanding than the older one (see Memory allocation).

Further details of the PROGRAM FUNCTIONS

Step_1 SORTFUN - reading, extending, sorting and reformatting a list of reflections

Standard MTZ file (maybe observed data, structure factors generated by some technique, E values from ECALC, etc.)
Optional Input:
Memory allocation parameters
SORTING_NR (default estimated from the resolution and cell dimensions). This can be reset if necessary.
Either HKLPCK0 (see option 1)
Packed file of H K L [F SIGF] or [FOM*F PHI] NMULT in hemisphere: h,+-k,+-l. This is a binary file which also holds the unit cell, symmetry operators, and maximum h, k,l and resolution (see example [1b]).
or table<i> (see option 2)
Table of the finely sampled inverse Fourier coefficients (i.e., structure factors which have been read in from a previously prepared MTZ file). These must extend a little past the required resolution of the calculations to allow for interpolation. This is a binary file which also holds the large "unit cell", maximum h, k, l, and resolution (see example [2]).

Option 1:

Option 2:

Step_2 TABFUN - reading model coordinates, repositioning them and generating structure factors from them

Standard PDB file for the model
Optional Input:
Memory allocation parameters
(defaults estimated from the model dimensions and the sampling required). They may need to reset to the values specified in the log file.
Coordinates after repositioning
Table of the finely sampled structure factors generated from the shifted model, and calculated for a large "unit cell".
Log File
Contains vital information about the coordinates which will be used at later stages of the procedure (e.g. Minimal Box, Centre of Mass, Rotation, Maximal distance from Centre of Mass)
Optional Output:
This is rarely used, but can be useful for checking purposes. ASCII file of finely sampled inverse Fourier coefficients as H K L FC PHIC (i.e. structure factors)

The procedure is:

  1. The model coordinates are translated so that their centre of gravity is at the origin. They can then be rotated so that the principal axes of inertia of the model are parallel to the a, b and c axes of the "minimal box" which just contains the model. The dimensions of the "minimal box" are determined, and the "maximum distance" of any coordinate from the centre of mass.
    You may choose not to ROTATE the model; in some cases results may then be simpler to interpret. For instance if you want to compare results from several models it is convenient to allow the first model to ROTATE, then to fit all others to these repositioned coordinates which will have been output to the assigned XYZOUT. It may also be useful if you expect some predictable result; e.g. that the new crystallographic symmetry axes should map onto those of the model structure.
    Hint: It can help to understand results if some "pseudo" atoms are added to the model PDB file. For example if you have a two fold axis in the original structure put 2 coordinates on this axis. If the model forms a tetramer centred at (Xt,Yt,Zt) include this coordinate plus 3 which lie on the tetramer axes.
  2. Structure factors are generated from the modified coordinates for a "CELL" with dimensions SCALE*minimal_a, SCALE*minimal_b, SCALE*minimal_c and all angles = 90 . SCALE has the default value of 4, but can be reset by the SAMPLE keyword. All later structure factors and gradients for the model in its various orientations are interpolated from this data.
       Expected Error in R factor with SCALE = 4  -  3 %
       Expected Error in R factor with SCALE = 3  -  9 %
       Expected Error in R factor with SCALE = 2  - 17 %
    You may need to generate tables for several models, e.g. for different domains. Up to four different table<i> files can be assigned during the translation search, and for rigid body refinement.


Runs the rotation function. Does the following four stages (they can be run separately but I can't think why..).

Step_3a GENERATE_Stage

Keyword: GENERATE - calculates structure factors for model in a suitable cell, and packs them in the same format as the output of SORTFUN.

See above
Optional Input:
Memory allocation parameters
(defaults estimated from crystal cell, and the dimensions of the model table). These can be reset if necessary.

Step_3b CALCULATE_Spherical_HARMONICS_Stage

Keyword: CLMN - calculates spherical harmonics for crystal and models.

HKLPCK<i> (HKLPCK0 for crystal, HKLPCK1 for model)

Step_3c ROTATION_Stage

Keyword: ROTATE - calculates rotation function and finds many possible solutions by Patterson overlap.

CLMN<i> (CLMN0 for crystal, CLMN1 for model)
For the CROSS rotation function the output rotational solutions are given in terms of the Eulerian angles, alpha, beta and gamma with each line flagged: SOLUTIONRC.
The Eulerian angles use the convention described by Tony Crowther which is used in all CCP4 programs, e.g. ALMN, LSQKAB, PDBSET and DM. They define a rotation matrix which moves the model molecule into the proper orientation for the new crystal form. The model is first rotated through gamma about Zo, then through beta about the new Yo, then through alpha about the new Zo. Positive rotation is clockwise when looking along the axis from the origin. See elsewhere for details of the definitions of the rotation matrix and the orthogonalisation conventions which define Zo Yo and Xo.
Four solution criteria are tabulated:
For the SELF rotation function the solution is given in terms of Eulerian and polar angles with each line flagged: SOLUTIONRS.
If Kappa is 180 or 120 then you may have a 2-fold or a 3 fold rotation between NCS related molecules.
If you expect higher symmetry, e.g. 222 complex, check that the angles between related axes are perpendicular (Test DC_X1*DCX2 + DC_Y1*DCY2 +DC_Z1*DCZ2 = 0).
A map of the rotation function can be output in the standard CCP4 format. This is assigned to MAPOUT and can be contoured in the usual way (NPO). It is sectioned along beta.


Keyword: SHIFT - converts the Eulerian angle solutions determined for the model stored in XYZOUT<i> to give solutions to be applied to original MODEL.

Centre of Mass and Eulerian angles which were applied to the original MODEL in TABFUN.
Some rotational solutions appropriate for the original coordinates.

This can be replaced by PDBSET; see example [1j].


Calculates the translation function using various target options.

Crystal h k l output by SORTING step.
For any model(s) you wish to use.
Optional Input:
Memory allocation parameters
(defaults estimated from crystal cell, and the dimensions of the model table). These can be reset if necessary.)
A list of solutions to the Rotation function output obtained in Step_3.
The search for several molecules can be done by finding first one molecule, then FIXing it whilst searching for a second molecule, etc.
A list of solutions flagged as: SOLUTIONTF.
Each has: Alpha_i Beta_i Gamma_i Xf_i Yf_i Zf_i CC_F RF_F CC_I Dmin.
The Xf, Yf and Zf are fractions of the observed unit cell edges. CC_F RF_F CC_I are described above. Dmin is the shortest distance between the centres of mass of the symmetry equivalent molecules. This can be used to identify solutions which overlap their symmetry mates.
A map of the translation function can be output in the standard CCP4 format.
This is assigned to MAPOUT and can be contoured in the usual way (NPO). The same file assignment is used for each TRANSLATION search you make, so if you want to contour your favourite solution you will need to rerun the calculation with only that SOLUTION. Remember it may be very large; assign it to a scratch area, or /dev/null if this causes problems.


Performs rigid-body refinement for any specified solution of the rotation or translation search, see reference [5].

Crystal h k l output by SORTING step.
For any model(s) you wish to use.
Optional Input:
Memory allocation parameters
(defaults estimated from crystal cell, and the dimensions of the model table). These can be reset if necessary.)
A list of solutions.
A list of solutions flagged as: SOLUTIONF.
They are given as: Alpha_i Beta_i Gamma_i Xf_i Yf_i Zf_i CC_F RF_F CC_I with the conventions described above.

Check that the CCs and RF_F have improved.


This works out the appropriate rotation and translation parameters to apply to the initial model (can also be done while running ROTFUN or FITFUN).

Centre of Mass and Eulerian angles which were applied to the original MODEL in TABFUN.
The refined rotation and translation parameters output by FITFUN.
To extract the unit cell of new crystal form.
A list of solutions given as:
Alpha_i Beta_i Gamma_i XA_i YA_i ZA_i Correlation_coefficient_i Rfactor_i. The XA, YA and ZA are given in Angstroms. Each line is flagged: Shifted_sol.


Some common errors:


The various data control lines are identified by keywords. Only the first 4 characters of a keyword are significant. Records may be continued across line breaks using & or - as the last character on the line to be continued. The available keywords are listed below grouped according to their function:

General Keywords used at any stage:

produces lots of output.
to help you know what you did.

Function keywords:

These call the appropriate procedures.

calls SORTING procedure to sort and pack reflections.
calls TABLING procedure to prepare structure factors from the model.
calls ROTING procedure for the rotation function (must be followed by GENE and/or CLMN and/or ROTA).
calls TRAING procedure for the translation function.
calls FITING procedure for rigid body fitting.
calls REORIENTATE procedure to apply shifts to the model final solution.

Other primary keywords:

May be used for the given functions.

Keyword Used in

Subsidiary keywords:

These modify the following primary keywords. Most use sensible defaults.

Keyword Subsidiary Keywords
LABIN FP=?? SIGFP=?? PHI=?? FOM=?? FC=?? PHIC=??

SORTFUN keywords

SORTFUN [ RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax> ] [ MODEL ]

This signals the beginning of Step_1 SORTFUN.

<rmin> and <rmax> define the resolution range for all statistics. Can be put in as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 limits, or as Angstrom limits in any order (defaults to MTZ resolution). Data output to HKLPCK0 are restricted to the outer resolution cutoff.
This signals that the structure factors input from HKLIN are to be used to make a table. This requires that they have been calculated from a model placed in a large unit cell and therefore the structure factors are sampled on a very fine grid.
(See part of example [2]).

LABIN <column_assignment> ...


A line giving the names of the input data items to be selected followed by <program_label>=<file_label> assignments. Acceptable labels are:


FC PHIC must be assigned for structure factors input.
FP must be assigned for creating the list of observations.
If PHI and optionally W is assigned, W*FP and PHI are stored and can be used for phased translation searches.


    LABIN FC=FC_domainA PHIC=PHIC_domainA

TABFUN keywords


This signals the beginning of Step_2 TABFUN.

Do not rotate the model before initialising calculation.
Do not translate the model before initialising calculation.
Use this extremely rarely. AMoRe assumes your molecule lies roughly at the origin of the test cell. If you have already run TABFUN, and you wanted to carve pieces out of XYZOUT to do rigid body fitting on segments, it is useful to make a table for each fragment with the TABFUN NOROTATE NOSHIFT option. Similarly if you want to fit another possible model over the first XYZOUT. NEVER use this in an initial pass.
Does not produce a table - just orientate the molecule if appropriate and move the molecule's centre of mass to the origin. This coordinate file can then be used to calculate structure factors and generate Es which can be read in to produce a table file.
The contents of the table can also be output as an ASCII list of H K L FC PHIC. This may be useful for checking.
An alias for HKLOUT.


<i> is the model number and is followed by all information needed to work with the model. At least one model must be specified to get any output.

BTARGET <btar>
The value <btar> should be set to the estimated B value of the crystal. Then the model B values will be modified to match this target.
Default: Do not use this correction.
Replace all B factors in the model with <brep>.
Default: Use input B factors.
BADD <badd>
Add <badd> to all input model B factors. If <badd> is negative the model `structure factors' are sharpened.
Default: BADD = 0.00
This indicates that the crystal amplitudes are given as E values, and the model B factors must be modified to generate normalised model `structure factors'.

PLEASE NOTE that if all the B-factors are zero in your model, then <badd> MUST be set to a sensible positive value.

The coordinates written to XYZOUT will have the same B-factors as the input coordinates, but the table will be generated using the modified B-factors.



Other primary keywords (optional):

CRYSTAL <a> <b> <c> <alpha> <beta> <gamma> ORTH <i>


Cell dimensions for observed data used to generate PDB style header for XYZOUT. The default is to use the TABFUN cell to generate the CRYST1 and SCALEi records.

ORTH <i>
orthogonalisation code. See below for conventions (default <i>=1).


CRYSTAL  112.32 112.32 85.14 90 90 120 ORTH 1

SAMPLE <i> [ RESOLUTION <dmin> SCALE <scale> SHANNON <sharat> ]

<i> is the model number and is followed by the sampling control parameters.

<dmin> (in Angstroms) is the resolution limit of generated structure factors. There is no point in setting this higher than the maximum resolution given in SORTFUN.
SCALE <scale>
Optional: default = 4.
A model `cell' created equal to (minimal box)*<scale>. This controls how finely the model structure factors are sampled in reciprocal space.
SHANNON <sharat>
<sharat> is the Shannon rate for sampling the coordinate map. The default is 2.5. If the B factors have been sharpened it is wise to use a finer grid, i.e. increase <sharat> to 3.5 or 4.



ROTFUN Keywords {Step_3}


This signals the beginning of Step_3 ROTFUN with subsequent keywords as follows.

Generate {Step_3a}

GENERATE <i> [ RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax> CELL_MODEL <a> <b> <c> ]

<i> is the model number.
This routine calculates the model `structure factors' in a suitable P1 cell, and writes them in the same format as the SORTFUN output for the crystal amplitudes. The file is assigned to HKLPCK1.

RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>
Resolution range for data output. Can be put in as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 or as Angstrom limits in either order. Choose the maximum resolution you may wish to use; this step need only be run once for each model and a subset extracted with the resolution limits given in CLMN.
CELL_MODEL <a> <b> <c>
for model structure factor generation (the angles are always 90 degrees).
Opinions differ as to the values to use.
Eleanor Dodson says:
"This model cell needs to be chosen carefully. Ideally you need to use dimensions of Twice maximal distance from Centre of Mass + SPHERE_<Irmax> + a small safety term."
She says always use a cubic cell because elongated cells can cause trouble.
Navaza suggests using
{smallest box containing model} + {integration radius (<Irmax>)} + resolution
(not necessarily cubic)
and others consider the cell dimensions less critical providing they are chosen large enough to avoid self-vectors.
The maximal distance and minimal box are output by the TABFUN step.



Calculate spherical harmonics {Step_3b}

CLMN [ CRYSTAL | MODEL <i> ] ORTH <i> FLIM <fmin> <fmax> [ SHARP | BADD <badd> ] RESO <rmin> <rmax> SPHERE <rmax>

Calculates spherical harmonics for crystal and models.

The input is HKLPCK0 for CRYSTAL
ORTH <i>
Orthogonalisation code (see below for code). Only needed for CRYSTAL. Except for monoclinic spacegroups with B unique, when ORTH = 3 may be useful, all orthogonalisation codes should be set to 1. Even for the monoclinic case it is usually easier to leave the code as 1.
(default ORTH=1)
FLIM <fmin> <fmax>
Minimum and maximum values of F used (rarely used option).
SHARP or BADD<badd>
Sharpening B value for structure factors. This can be used to modify the input F by exp**{-<badd>*sin**2(theta)/lambda**2} before squaring, i.e. a negative <badd> will sharpen the data.
RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>
Can be put in as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 or as Angstrom limits in either order. These limits will truncate the H K L listed in HKLPCK. It is important that the SAME resolution limits are used for both the MODEL and the CRYSTAL.
SPHERE <Irmax>
<Irmax> is the radius of the integration sphere in Angstroms. Tips:
  1. This should not be greater than your model's Maximal distance from Centre of Mass output by TABFUN. David Blow points out that for a spherical molecule 75-80% of the molecular diameter includes about 80% of the integrated Patterson density. Ian Tickle suggests using 75% of the minimum diameter in general.
  2. The volume of the sphere should probably not exceed the volume of the asymmetric unit.
  3. If the radius is greater than half the minimum cell edge you will be including some Patterson vectors twice. Opinions differ on how important this is, but the program warns about this case.
Other factors like the shape of the model may influence you; remember this is the RADIUS within which the interesting self vectors should lie.


CLMN CRYSTAL RESO  20.0  4.0  SPHERE   30  -
                  ORTH  1   SHARP -10.0 FLIM 0.E0 1.E8  
CLMN MODEL 1      RESO  20.0  4.0  SPHERE  30

Rotation {Step_3c}

ROTATE [ CROSS | SELF ] MODEL <i> BESLIM <lmin> <lsup> STEP <stepsize> PKLIM <rp> NPIC <np> BMAX <bmax> LOCK <nrot> [EULER/POLAR] <rot_angle1> <rot_angle2> <rot_angle3> (nrot sets)

This routine calculates the rotation function.

Flags whether calculation is to be a SELF rotation, which will only need CLMN0 as input, or a CROSS rotation function which will need CLMN0 and some CLMN<i>. The correlation between self- and cross-rotation functions can be analysed with the program RFCORR.
HKLPCK<i> for MODEL <i>.
BESLIM <lmin> <lsup>
Expansion using spherical harmonic functions between <lmin> and <lsup> is done. Low order terms (i.e. for l = 2 or 4) tend to be governed by the crystal symmetry; excluding them may reduce the final peak heights, but make the rotation parameters more precise and make multiple solutions have more equal heights. The upper cut off is governed by the ratio of the integration radius to the resolution. The upper default is 500. The lower cut off has a similar effect to the inner cutoff radius for the Patterson vectors. However in some cases it helps to include all terms. Now the default is to test all lower limits of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 and see which gives the best contrast.
STEP <stepsize>
Angular step size for Alpha, Beta and Gamma in degrees (default 2.5). Defaults to sensible value for resolution requested. Should be checked from: STEP ~ 360 / ( 2*<lsup> +1 )
PKLIM <rp>
Output all peaks above <rp> * {maximum peak height}. Default: 0.5 for Cross rotations, 0.2 for self rotations. Maximum self rotation peak will always be the origin peak. The peak search algorithm is not very satisfactory for Beta limits, beta = 0 and beta = <bmax>. Default = 0.5.
NPIC <np>
Number of peaks to output (limited to 99).
BMAX <bmax>
Maximum BETA angle to consider (default 180, or 90 if you have a 2 fold axis perpendicular to the first rotation axis (e.g. in pointgroups Pmmm, P622, P422 etc.).
LOCK <NROT> followed by optional EULER or POLAR flag and NROT sets of rotation angles to describe the self rotations.
These control the locked rotation function (see reference [6]).
The angles MUST refer to the SAME orthogonalisation convention as you are using for the CROSS rotation. See example [3].
If there are several molecules in the crystal asymmetric unit, AND you know the rotations which relate them to each other, i.e you have a solutions to the SELF ROTATION, then the solutions to the cross rotation can be searched to find sets which are related by the expected NCS operators. If you do not have a closed group things are messy. The self rotation always finds pairs of solutions, i.e. that which rotates Mol1 to Mol2, and that which rotates Mol2 to Mol1. These are the inverse of each other; in Polar coordinates, they have the form (Omega,Phi,Kappa) and (Omega,Phi,-Kappa), and the Eulerian equivalent is (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) and (-Gamma,-Beta, -Alpha).
It is not altogether easy to decide what to do, and you need to have some idea of how many molecules you expect to find in the asymmetric unit, and how they may be arranged. This can be complicated to sort out; if there is a hexamer in the crystal, you would expect to find 3 two-fold axes, all perpendicular to a three fold axis - if two axes are perpendicular, look at the product of their direct cosines:
DC1(axis1)*DC1(axis2) + DC2(axis1)*DC2(axis2) + DC3(axis1)*DC3(axis2) = 0.0
For TRAP, where the 11-fold rotation axis is perpendicular to a crystallographic 2 fold axis, the self rotation showed both a single peak at (Omega, Phi, 360/11) and 11 2-fold axes. This did NOT mean that TRAP contained 11 dimers, although the self rotation results were consistent with such a conclusion. AMoRe does not at present generate all symmetry equivalents of SELF rotation solutions so it is sensible to use ROTMAT to give a complete list.
If you believe you have a proper rotation with a clear solution with Kappa equal 360/n, Kappa =180 ( 2-fold), or 120 (3-fold) or 72 (5-fold) and the NCS operators form closed group, then you would specify NROT = n-1, followed by n-1 sets of polar angles to define the rotations: (Omega,Phi,360/n) and (Omega,Phi,2*360/n) etc. In this case, every self rotation solution and its inverse belong to the set.
If say, you expect 222 NCS symmetry with 3 intersecting 2-fold axes, you would set NROT="3" and specify the three sets of two fold axes: (Omega1,Phi1,180), (Omega2,Phi2,180) and (Omega3,Phi3,180).


ROTA CROSS MODEL 1 [ BESLIMI 6 120 STEP 2.5 PKLIM 0.5 NPIC 100     LOCK 1 POLAR 54 45 180]

Reorientation {Step_3d}

SHIFT <Model_number> COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom> EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>

Reorientate stage. Moves Eulerian angle solutions determined for shifted model stored in XYZOUT<Model_number> to give solutions to be applied to original model. Needed if you want your solutions converted back to ones to apply to original coordinates.

COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom>
Coordinates of the molecule's centre of mass output by TABFUN.
EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>
Rotation angles applied to the original model output by TABFUN.


SHIFT 1 COM 17.3 -10.5 28.7 EULER 301.2 35.7 185.2

TRAFUN keywords {Step_4}

TRAFUN [ CB | CO | PT | PTF | HL | CC ] NMOL <nmol> [NCSTRANS <U_vec> <V_vec> <W_vec>] [RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax> ] [ PKLIM <rp> ] [ NPIC <np> ]

There are various translation function targets. Each takes each orientation solution in turn and searches for the NPIC "best" translational Xi Yi Zi for this orientation. Good solutions should give high correlation coefficients between FP and FC, and low Rfactors. Only one target can be specified for each run.

CB | CO - the method of Crowther and Blow (default).
CB(T) = <DeltaI(obs) * I(calc)(T)>
The convolution (designated by "*") of the observed Patterson (after subtraction of the contribution of the self vectors) with the calculated one for each value of the translation vector T.
PT | PTF - Phased translation function.
This can either use externally generated phases for the model (option PTF; input at SORTFUN) or for many body problems phases derived from the FIXed molecules (option PT).
It looks for the best overlap of the 2 maps: (Fp:PHI model) and (Fc:PHI model). See reference [4].
HL - Harada-Lifchitz.
HL(T) = <DeltaI(obs) * I(calc)(T)> / < I(calc)(T)>
Here the convolution has been "normalised".
CC - correlation coefficient.
CC(T) = <DeltaI(obs) * I(calc)(T)> / sqrt( < DeltaI(obs)**2 * I(calc)(T)**2>
This function is powerful but much slower.

Each function tests each orientation solution in turn and searches for the best translational Xi Yi Zi for this orientation. Good solutions should give high correlation coefficients between FP and FC, and low Rfactors. For the first molecule all <Xi> <Yi> <Zi> belonging to the Cheshire cell are searched (see reference [7]). The Cheshire cell is the minimum volume which will allow a unique solution. For the first molecule it will be the cell which covers a volume from one possible origin to the next - you can usually see it by inspection of International Tables, e.g.: For P212121, the Cheshire cell is 0-0.5,0-0.5,0-0.5. For P21 the Cheshire cell is 0-0.5,any y,0-0.5. If you are searching for the NMOLth molecule of a set, the Cheshire cell will now be the whole primitive volume. You have assigned the origin by choosing the position of the first molecule, and the other molecules will have to be positioned relative to that choice.

A map of the Cheshire cell for each search is written to the file assigned to MAPOUT. N.B. the same file is used for all solutions - only the final one will be saved. If you wish to plot your best solution you will have to recalculate it.

Translation functions use a great deal of memory. The whole FFT transform is held in memory at once, and the calculation is done over a set of reciprocal lattice coefficients which can be twice the size of Hmax, Kmax, Lmax.

NMOL <nmol>
Number of molecules to search for (maximum 65). The program assumes you have solutions for <nmol>-1 molecules and searches for the best fit for the <nmol>-th one. The <nmol>-1 solutions must be FIXed; see examples [1f], [1g], [1h]. Default = 1. It is more complicated if you are using a NCS translation vector.
NCSTRANS <U_vec> <V_vec> <W_vec>
If there is a non-crystallographic translation between two molecules in the unit cell, this will be indicated by a large ( > 20% of origin) peak in the native 4Å Patterson; see CCP4i Task: Analyse Data for MR) it is best to search for the two related molecules at the same time. You need to give the TRAFUN the coordinates of the Patterson vector, <U_vec> <V_vec> <W_vec>. This always requires that <nmol> is advanced by 2 for the next cycle of TRANSLATION searching. For the first pass, set nmol as 1, and the program will position a pair of molecules with the same orientation, and translations related by <U_vec> <V_vec> <W_vec>. For the next pass set <nmol> as 3, FIX both these molecules, and search for the next pair. See examples [1f], [1g], [1h] and example 4. Default = 1.
RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>
Can be put in as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 or as Angstrom limits in any order.
PKLIM <rp>
Output all peaks above <rp*>{maximum peak height}. Default 0.5.
NPIC <np>
Number of peaks to output from the translation function map for each orientation. Default 10. Be aware that the highest peaks in the translation function map do not necessarily correspond to the highest correlation coefficients. All targets are prone to generate "noise" peaks, and good solutions usually satisfy all 3 criteria: High T1 peak, high correlation coefficient, low Rfactor.


TRAFUN CO NMOL 1 RESO 8 4 PKLIM 0.5 NPIC 10  NCStran  0.03 0.0 0.5

Other optional keywords



Spacegroup name or spacegroup number. It will default to that of the CRYSTAL data, picked up at the SORTFUN step. You may need to change it to test other possibilities; e.g. enantiomorphic spacegroups - P65 instead of P61. If you are not sure of your spacegroup, the translation function is a good way to distinguish the true spacegroup; e.g. you may need to test all possible orthorhombic possibilities; P222; P2 2 21; P2 21 2; P2 21 21; P21 2 2; P 21 2 21; P21 21 2; P 21 21 21; See example [1d], [1e].

CRYSTAL FLIM <fmin> <fmax> ORTH <i> [ SHARP | BADD <badd> ] RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>


Information used to modify the CRYSTAL amplitudes. See descriptions above for CLMN.



Other compulsory keywords

SOLUTION [FIX] <i> <alphai> <betai> <gammai> [ <Xi> <Yi> <Zi> ]

FIX <i> <alphai> <betai> <gammai> <Xi> <Yi> <Zi>
If the molecule generated by this solution is FIXed, the last 6 parameters define its position in the cell. Structure factors calculated from this molecule will be added to those generated for molecules which are being searched for.
When searching for a single molecule, a list of possible orientations from the rotation function (labelled SOLUTIONRC in ROTFUN output) is required.
Molecules are found sequentially. When searching for the nth molecule of a set, there must be sets of (n-1) previously determined solutions to the translation function. These are labelled with the key word FIX. For example to find the 2nd molecule fix one solution:
SOLUTIONTF1 FIX 1 <alpha1> <beta1> <gamma1>  <X1> <Y1> <Z1>
followed by the set of possible rotation function solutions. Each rotation orientation is tested in turn with the previous input FIXed solution. If you want to test several translation solutions, you can repeat the FIX information, and again follow it with the set of possible rotation function solutions.
To find the 3rd molecule fix a pair of solutions:
SOLUTIONTF1 FIX 1 <alpha1> <beta1> <gamma1>  <X1> <Y1> <Z1>
SOLUTIONTF2 FIX 1 <alpha2> <beta2> <gamma2>  <X2> <Y2> <Z2>
There is a limit of 99 (calculated as NMOL* Number_of_solutionrc) on the number of orientation solutions which can be included in one run. However there is no extra overhead in submitting several runs. This list should come last and is terminated by end-of-file or the keyword END.
The list of solutions can be extracted from ROTFUN (and TRAFUN) output using grep and edited in here.
<i> is the number for the appropriate table<i>.
<alphai> <betai> <gammai>
Euler angles output by ROTFUN. If there are no clear maxima you should test many solutions. Correct solutions have been found from rotation solutions which were far down the list.


SOLUTIONTF FIX 1 27.8 100.7 350.1 0.146 0.566 0.00 17.4 52.5
SOLUTIONRC 1 25.211 105.573 339.440


To extract the rotation information, `grep' (Unix) for `SOLUTIONRC' in the ROTFUN output. Edit the resulting list to include only those solutions you want to run the translation search on, and include them in the input data e.g. with `@<file>'.

If you are searching for the <nmol>th molecule of a set, you must FIX <nmol>-1 solutions and search for the <nmol>th one. You will probably have several sets of the fixed solutions to test, plus many possible orientation solutions.

FIXed solutions will be extracted from your previous TRAFUN log. They will be followed by the list of solutions to the Rotation function output by Step_3. Structure factors calculated from the FIXed solutions are added to those generated for search molecules.

To extract the information for FIXed, grep for `SOLUTIONTF'. You will need to sort these to find those with the highest correlation coefficients, and lowest Rfactors.

 sort -r +8 -9 tra.list > tra_cc.list  # sort on correlation coefficient.
 sort +9 -10 tra.list > tra_rf.list  # sort on Rfactor

(Be careful to keep sets of solutions together!)

See the Unix plumbing in the example scripts, e.g., `auto-amore'.

FITFUN keywords {Step_5}

FITFUN [ NMOL <nmol> RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax> ITER <niter> CONV <con>]

This signals the beginning of Step_5 FITFUN which performs Rigid-body refinement. It minimises the sum over all hkl of ({Fo*exp(-Bs**2)}**2 - {k*Fc**2})**2 with respect to scale, B-factor and rotation and translation parameters.

Subsidiary words after FITFUN (many same as TRAFUN):

NMOL <nmol>
Number of molecules to fit. All are fitted together by an iterative procedure.
RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>
Can be put in as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 or as Angstrom limits in any order. Often sensible to "fit" the molecules against high resolution data if the sequence homology is close.
ITER <niter>
Number of iterations (default 10).
CONV <con>
Convergence acceptance (default 0.001).



Extra keywords

CRYSTAL FLIM <fmin> <fmax> ORTH <i> [ SHARP | BADD <badd> ] RESOLUTION <rmin> <rmax>


Information used to modify the CRYSTAL amplitudes. See descriptions above for CLMN.

SYMM <spg>


Spacegroup name or spacegroup number. It will default to that of the CRYSTAL data, picked up at the SORTFUN step. You may need to change it to test other possibilities; e.g. enantiomorphic spacegroups - P65 instead of P61.

REFSOLUTION [ BF ] [ AL ] [ BE ] [ GA ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ]

Refinement to be done for any of temperature factor, alpha, beta, gamma, x, y, z. Remember - in polar spacegroups you cannot refine either y or z parameter for one solution. This defaults to sensible values for different space groups.

Optional: program chooses sensible defaults.



SOLUTION <i> <alphai> <betai> <gammai> [ <Xi> <Yi> <Zi> ]

Model number for input. Different solutions may require different model numbers. Assign all table<i>.
<alphai> <betai> <gammai>
Euler angles output by ROTFUN. If there is no clear maximum you should test many solutions. Correct solutions have been found from rotation solutions which were far down the list.
<Xi> <Yi> <Zi> [ <CCi> <RFi> ]
These three parameters define the molecules position in the cell. It is often convenient to keep the correlation coefficient and R factor on the solution line. It helps to monitor solutions - subsequent steps should improve these parameters! The solutions are refined in sets of NMOL. There may be up to 99 solutions given (99/NMOL sets).


SOLUTIONTF 1  25.1  105.6  339.5 0.1139  0.5691  0.0000
SOLUTIONTF 1  27.6  100.6 350.3 0.1461 0.5716 0.6476 48 51
SOLUTIONTF 1  27.7  115.9 353.5 0.1439 0.6027 0.3584 49 54

This list is terminated by end-of-file or the keyword END.

This list of Eulerian angles and translations can be extracted from the log file and edited in here. To extract the information from the previous log file, grep for `SOLUTIONTF'. You will need to sort these to find those with the highest correlation coefficients, and lowest Rfactors as described in step_4a, and edit to include only those solutions you want to run the rigid body refinement on to include them in the input data.

SHIFT <Model_number> COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom> EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>

Reorientate stage. Moves Eulerian angle solutions determined for shifted model stored in XYZOUT<i> to give solutions to be applied to original MODEL. Needed if you want your solutions converted back to ones to apply to original coordinates.

COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom>
coordinates of the molecules centre of mass output by TABFUN
EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>
rotation angles applied to the original model output by TABFUN.


SHIFT 1 COM 17.3 -10.5 28.7 EULER 301.2 35.7 185.2

REORIENTATE keywords {Step_6}

SHIFT <Model_number> COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom> EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>

This signals the beginning of Step_6 - reorientate stage. This step can be run as a standalone step or as part of ROTFUN or FITFUN. It moves Eulerian angle solutions determined for shifted model stored in XYZOUT<i> to give solutions to be applied to original MODEL. Needed if you want your solutions converted back to ones to apply to original coordinates.

COM <Xcom> <Ycom> <Zcom>
Coordinates of the molecule's centre of mass output by TABFUN
EULER <alpha> <beta> <gamma>
Rotation angles applied to the original model output by TABFUN.


SHIFT 1 COM 17.3 -10.5 28.7 EULER 301.2 35.7 185.2

Compulsory following keyword

SOLUTION <i> <alphai> <betai> <gammai> <Xi> <Yi> <Zi>

There may be up to 99 solutions given. This list is terminated by end-of-file or the keyword END.


SOLUTIONTF 1  25.1  105.6 339.5 0.1139 0.5691 0.0000
SOLUTIONTF 1  27.6  100.6 350.3 0.1461 0.5716 0.6476 43.5 46.5
SOLUTIONTF 1  27.7  115.9 353.5 0.1439 0.6027 0.3584 41.3 47.3


Must be last keyword. Used as termination for list of solutions.


Memory allocation

The program has been made more memory-efficient, but still uses a lot, at several points a whole Fourier transform is held in memory. The defaults are estimated to allow the observed and tabulated structure factors to be stored. However if the estimate is too low it is able to use dynamic memory allocation; the amount to be allocated at runtime is parameterised by assigning values to logical names. There may be some trial and error involved in setting appropriate values.

If the allocation for an array isn't large enough, the program stops with a message which should indicate at least which parameter needs to be increased and, in most cases, to what value. If the message doesn't make it clear what needs to be increased, please report the fact. Using the keyword VERBOSE may give more indication. The current values are printed in the output (look for `Memory allocation'). They may be changed by giving the appropriate logical names an integer value (which represents the size of an array) in any of possible ways:

The last option may be most appropriate on a system with lots of memory to provide large defaults and the distributed default.def contains commented-out values for a `big' version used at York and Cambridge.

Rotation matrix definitions

The convention is that the orthogonalised coordinates of "crystal 2" (usually the model) are rotated to overlap the orthogonalised coordinates of crystal 1.

i.e. [XO1]    = [ROT] [XO2]
     [YO1]            [YO2]
     [ZO1]            [ZO2]

This means that axis permutations introduced by using NCODE = 2, 3 or 4 will result in apparently different solutions, although the effect on the fractional coordinates is the same.

In Polar angles:

If l m n are the direction cosines of the axis about which the rotation k = kappa takes place, and:

( l )    ( sin omega cos phi )
( m )  = ( sin omega sin phi )
( n )    ( cos omega )

where omega is the angle the rotation axis makes to the ZO direction, and phi is the angle the projection of the rotation axis onto the XO-YO plane makes to the XO axis.

[ROT] =
( l**2+(m**2+n**2)cos k     lm(1-cos k)-nsin k        nl(1-cos k)+msin k   )
( lm(1-cos k)+nsin k        m**2+(l**2+n**2)cos k     mn(1-cos k)-lsin k   )
( nl(1-cos k)-msin k        mn(1-cos k)+lsin k        n*2+(l**2+m**2)cos k )

Note that if omega = 0 or 180, then phi is indeterminate and is flagged as 999 in the SOLUTIONs output by AMoRe.

In Eulerian angles:

If a (alpha) represents a rotation about the initial ZO axis,
b (beta) represents a rotation about the new position of the YO axis, and
g (gamma) represents a rotation about the final ZO axis:

[ROT] =
( cosa cosb cosg - sina sing     -cosa cosb sing - sina cosg     cosa sinb )
( sina cosb cosg + cosa sing     -sina cosb sing + cosa cosg     sina sinb )
( -sinb cosg                     sinb sing                       cosb      )

Orthogonalisation codes

orthogonalisation code NCODE
   = 1, orthogonal x y z along a,c*xa,c* (Brookhaven, default)
   = 2                         b,a*xb,a*
   = 3                         c,b*xc,b*
   = 4                         a+b,c*x(a+b),c*
   = 5                         a*,cxa*,c   (Rollett)


  1. The automated procedure to find 3 molecules for spmi.
    Usually this would be run from the interface but the command scripts are these.
    The space group is either P61 or P65.
    1. Tabling run to generate structure factors from model;
    2. Sorting run to reformat observed reflections;
    3. Rotation Patterson search;
    4. Translation search for one molecule in space group P61;
    5. Translation search for one molecule in space group P65
          (The rotation solutions are the same for either P61 or P65)
    6. The correlation coefficient are higher for the P65 spacegroup.
          To make absolutely sure search for the 2nd molecule in both P61 
          and P65, but as expected P65 is much the better result.
    1. #   #############
      #    tabling run:
      #   #############
      #  The B factor for the crystal obtained from the Wilson plot is 23.5
      #  TABFUN first rotates and shifts the model coordinates  to the origin
      #  then produces a table of structure factors in a large unit cell:
      #    xyzout contains the rotated and shifted coordinates.
      amore  xyzin1  search.pdb 
             xyzout1 searchrot.pdb \
             table1 << eof
      TITLE :  Produce table for MODEL FRAGMENT
      CRYSTAL  112.32 112.32 85.14 90 90 120 ORTH 1
      MODEL 1 BTARGET 23.5
      SAMPLE 1 RESO 2.5 SHANN 2.5 SCALE       4.0
    2. #   ############
      #    sorting run:
      #   #############
      # MTZ file contains cell and symmetry.
      amore hklin spmi_trun.mtz 
            hklpck0 spmipch.hkl <<  eof
      TITLE   ** spmi  packing h k l F for crystal**
      SORTFUN RESOL 100.  2.5
    3. #   ############
      #    roting run:
      #   ############
      #  straightforward rotation function.
      amore  table1 \
             HKLPCK1 $CCP4_SCR/search.hkl \
             hklpck0 spmipch.hkl \
             clmn1 $CCP4_SCR/search.clmn \
             clmn0 $CCP4_SCR/spmipch.clmn  \
             MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/ <<  eof
      TITLE : Generate HKLPCK1 from MODEL FRAGMENT   1
      GENE 1   RESO 100.0 3.0  CELL_MODEL 80 75 65
      CLMN CRYSTAL ORTH  1 RESO  20.0  4.0  SPHERE   30
      CLMN MODEL 1     RESO  20.0  4.0 SPHERE   30
      ROTA  CROSS  MODEL 1  PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 100
    4. #   #############################
      #    traing run:   NMOL = 1 - P61
      #   #############################
      amore  table1 \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl \
             MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/ <<  eof
      TRAFUN CB   NMOL 1 RESO 8 4  PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 10
      SYMM P61
      TITLE : Translation function P61 - one molecule
      SOLUTIONRC 1    25.211   105.573   339.440
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.757   100.743   350.082
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.939   115.792   353.601
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.596    60.308    43.149
      SOLUTIONRC 1    38.604    77.537   160.999
      SOLUTIONRC 1    16.079   130.379   261.311
      SOLUTIONRC 1     7.264    66.987    88.523
      SOLUTIONRC 1     4.345    82.989    95.253
      SOLUTIONRC 1    26.903    76.829    37.613
      SOLUTIONRC 1     1.477    33.145    73.636
      SOLUTIONRC 1    42.057   104.775   163.088
      SOLUTIONRC 1     0.492    90.289   275.552
      SOLUTIONRC 1    53.344   135.528   269.211
      SOLUTIONRC 1    34.118    74.264   244.711
      SOLUTIONRC 1    42.237   147.472   263.153
      SOLUTIONRC 1    33.968     5.665   291.432
    5. #   #############################
      #    traing run:   SYMMETRY P65 - same rotation solns
      #   #############################
      amore  table1 \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl \
             MAPOUT $CCP4_SCR/ <<  eof
      TRAFUN CB   NMOL 1 RESO 8 4  PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 10
      SYMM P65
      TITLE : Translation function P65 - one molecule
      SOLUTIONRC 1    25.211   105.573   339.440
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.757   100.743   350.082
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.939   115.792   353.601
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.596    60.308    43.149
      SOLUTIONRC 1    38.604    77.537   160.999
      SOLUTIONRC 1    16.079   130.379   261.311
      SOLUTIONRC 1     7.264    66.987    88.523
      SOLUTIONRC 1     4.345    82.989    95.253
      SOLUTIONRC 1    26.903    76.829    37.613
      SOLUTIONRC 1     1.477    33.145    73.636
      SOLUTIONRC 1    42.057   104.775   163.088
      SOLUTIONRC 1     0.492    90.289   275.552
      SOLUTIONRC 1    53.344   135.528   269.211
      SOLUTIONRC 1    34.118    74.264   244.711
      SOLUTIONRC 1    42.237   147.472   263.153
      SOLUTIONRC 1    33.968     5.665   291.432
    6. #   #############################
      #    traing run:   SEarch for 2nd molecule P61
      #   #############################
      amore  table1  \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl <<  eof
      TRAFUN PTF   NMOL 2 RESO 8 4  PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 10
      SYMM P61
      TITLE : Translation function P61  - 2 mols together.
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.76   100.74   350.08  0.145  0.566  0.000 17.4 52.5
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.94   115.80   353.60
      SOLUTIONRC 1    25.21   105.57   339.45
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.94   115.80   353.60
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.76   100.74   350.08
    7. #   #############################
      #    traing run:   2nd Molecule - P65
      #   #############################
      amore  table1  \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl <<  eof
      TRAFUN PTF   NMOL 2 RESO 8 4  PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 10
      SYMM P65
      TITLE : Translation function P65  - 2 mols together.
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.76   100.74   350.08  0.116  0.437  0.000 19.4 51.7
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.94   115.80   353.60
      SOLUTIONRC 1    25.21   105.57   339.45
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.94   115.80   353.60
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.76   100.74   350.08
    8. #   ###########################
      #  traing run:   Search for 3rd molecule - P65
      #   ###########################
      #  (no point in testing P61 now - P65 gives higher correlations and lower Rfactor)
      amore  table1  \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl  \
             TRAFUN trafun.9 <<  eof
      TRAFUN PTF   NMOL 3 RESO 8 4   PKLIM 0.5  NPIC 10
      SYMM P65
      TITLE : Translation function P65  - 2 mols together.
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    25.21   105.57   339.45  0.113  0.567  0.000 38.0 46.7
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.76   100.74   350.08  0.146  0.571  0.652 38.0 46.7
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.94   115.80   353.60
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    25.21   105.57   339.45  0.111  0.567  0.000 35.8 47.0
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.94   115.80   353.60  0.144  0.603  0.358 35.8 47.0
      SOLUTIONRC 1    27.76   100.74   350.08
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.76   100.74   350.08  0.145  0.566  0.000 31.3 48.8 
      SOLUTIONTF FIX 1    27.94   115.80   353.60  0.144  0.603  0.705 31.3 48.8
      SOLUTIONRC 1    25.21   105.57   339.45
    9. #   ############
      #    fiting run: 3 molecules Symm P65
      #   ############
      amore  table1  \
             HKLPCK0 spmipch.hkl <<eof
      FITFUN  NMOL 3  RESO 20 4.5  
      TITLE *** spmi   structure ***
      SYMM P65
      REFSOL   AL     BE   GA     X   Y    Z   BF
      SOLUTIONTF 1  25.02  105.58  339.46 0.113 0.569 0.000 27.5 51.7
      SOLUTIONTF 1  27.60  100.60  350.29 0.146 0.571 0.649 43.5 46.5
      SOLUTIONTF 1  27.72  115.95  353.54 0.143 0.602 0.351 41.3 47.3
    10. #
      #  Build the solution file with with PDBSET.
      Assume the following three solutions from AMoRe:
      # SOLUTIONF     1   56.35   74.98  145.14  0.3883 -0.0061  0.2757 55.7 45.2 57.1  28
      # SOLUTIONF     1  295.44   70.84  148.61  0.8273  0.9301  0.2737 55.7 45.2 57.1  29
      # SOLUTIONF     1  164.23   69.22  147.81  0.0896  0.8444  0.2876 55.7 45.2 57.1  30
      pdbset \
      xyzin /y/ccp4/work/model-rot.pdb \
      xyzout /y/ccp4/work/model-rot-sol1.pdb \
      CELL 78.700   40.400   56.000  90.00 117.10  90.00 
      SYMM C2
      rotat euler   56.35   74.98  145.14  
      shift frac 0.3883 -0.0061  0.2757 55.7 45.2 57.1  28
      chain A
      pdbset \
      xyzin /y/ccp4/work/model-rot.pdb \
      xyzout /y/ccp4/work/model-rot-sol2.pdb \
      # Use -0.5,-0.5,0 = other C2 solution
      CELL 78.700   40.400   56.000  90.00 117.10  90.00 
      SYMM C2
      rotat euler  295.44   70.84  148.61
      shift frac 0.3273  0.4301  0.2737 55.7 45.2 57.1  29
      chain B
      pdbset \
      xyzin /y/ccp4/work/model-rot.pdb \
      xyzout /y/ccp4/work/model-rot-sol3.pdb \
      #  Subtract 1 from y
      CELL 78.700   40.400   56.000  90.00 117.10  90.00 
      SYMM C2
      rotat euler  164.23   69.22  147.81
      shift frac 0.0896 -0.1556  0.2876 55.7 45.2 57.1  30
      chain C
      cat the three solution coordinates into one pdb file - model-rot-sol123.pdb.
      Check if there are bad symmetry clashes.
      distang \
      xyzin /y/ccp4/work/model-rot-sol123.pdb \
      SYMM C2
      RADI CA 2
  2. #
    # Tabulating structure factors generated from a blob of electron density
    # The blob has been placed in a large "P1 unit cell" to give a finely sampled reciprocal lattice.
    #!/bin/csh -f
    # There are lots of alternative ways of getting a masked block of density.
    #  You first need a mask. This does not need to cover the whole molecule.
    # The simplest technique I have used is to place a large sphere
    # at the centre of mass of a likely region.
    # This can be done by placing an "atom" at the centre of mass of a likely region
    # and specified  a large atomic radius for it. 
    # Another way is to edit bones generated from a map to include only those 
    # which are likely to belong to one molecule, then use bones_to_pdb to write out a 
    # cordinate file, and use ncsmask with that set, and the default atom radius.
    #  ( 3A I think..)
    #  Make a spherical mask centred at the centroid of the chosen block of 
    #  density.
    #  P65_block_com.pdb 
    # REMARK Centre of Mass: X ~35/102, Y~ 42/102, Z~75/96 = (0.343 0.412 0.781)
    # REMARK COM in As:  0.343 * 208.4 = 71.510 ; 0.412 *208.4 =85.812 0.781=75.156 
    #  P65_block_com.pdb
    CRYSTL  208.400  208.400   96.200  90.00  90.00 120.00    P65
    ATOM      1  N   COM C   3      71.510  85.812  75.156  1.00 41.63           N
    # Set atomic radius; i.e. radius of sphere to 18Å
    ncsmask xyzin ./P65_block_com.pdb \
    mskout $SCRATCH/P65_block_com.msk <<eof
    #  I have taken a 1A grid.
    GRID  204  204   96
    AXIS   Y    X    Z
    RADIUS 18
    # extend the  DM map to the same limits as the msk;
    #   you will have to look at the log of Step 1.
    #  ( You can get the mask extent by typing 
    #     prmap mapin $CCP4_SCR/P65_block_com.msk )
    mapmask mapin /y/work2/suresh// \
    mapout $CCP4_SCR//nat3_au5_hg2_dm.ext << eof
    GRID 204  204   96
    XYZLIM  57  93    62 101    56 91
    #   Now the clever bit - put the "masked" density in the big P1 cell:
    maprot \
    wrkin $CCP4_SCR//nat3_au5_hg2_dm.ext \
    mskin $CCP4_SCR/P65_block_com.msk \
    mapout $CCP4_SCR/ \
    # "MODE TO" moves the WRKIN map ( after masking with MSKIN) to the given cell and grid.
    #  No averaging; this is the identity..
    GRID XTAL 300 300 300                         ! Fine grid for structure factors
    CELL XTAL 240.000  240.000  240.000  90.00  90.00  90.00
    SYMM P1
    ROTATE EULER 0 0 0
    TRANS 0 0 0
    #  Generate structure factors from this density ready for Amore
    # Then delete the *bigdummy*maps - they are HUGE..
    sfall \
    mapin  $CCP4_SCR/ \
    hklout $CCP4_SCR/nat3_au5_hg2_dm_cent_bigdummycell.mtz \
    SYMM P1
    RESO 37 2.5
    #  Now read these SFS from the mtz file into Amore  and generate the table
    #  Then the molecular replacement can continue as above.
    amore \
    hklin $CCP4_SCR/nat3_au5_hg2_dm_cent_bigdummycell.mtz \
    table1 $CCP4_SCR/  \
    TITLE   ** packing h k l For the "model" structure factors.
    SORTFUN MODEL 100 2.5
  3. #
    # Using the locked rotation function
    HKLPCK0 bgltp2peak+resolve.hkl 
    CLMN0 $CCP4_SCR/bgltp2peak+resolve_0.clmn 
    CLMN1 $CCP4_SCR/newbuiltA_MR_trial.clmn 
    HKLPCK1 $CCP4_SCR/insmon_304_3_hkl.tmp
    title Run bglt _ locked rotn_ polar 42.87 0 180
    generate 1  resolution 15.0 3.0  cell_model 81.366 81.096 84.366
    clmn crystal  orth 1  resolution 15.0 3.0
    clmn  model 1  resolution 15.0 3.0  sphere 24.936
    rotate CROSS  model 1  npic 20  pklim 0.5    lock 1 polar 43 0 180
    # or 
    #rotate CROSS  model 1  npic 20  pklim 0.5    lock 1 euler 0 86 180
  4. #
    # Using a non-crystallographic translation 
    #vector to find pairs of solutions in the same orientation.
    HKLPCK0 /y/work/ccp4/dm-av-noav-sharp+dm-jtfree.hkl 
    MAPOUT /tmp/ccp4/ 
     title Hpce P212121 _ test NCS vector
    trafun PTF NMOL 1 -
        resolution 91.287 3.0 -
        npic 20 -
        pklim 0.5 NCST 0.028 0 0.5
    crystal orth 1
    symmetry P212121
    SOLUTION   1 359.78 360.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.7 55.9 28.5 25.3 1
    SOLUTION   1 179.92 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.7 55.9 28.5 25.3 3
    SOLUTION   1 2.12 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18.3 56.6 25.5 22.0 6
    SOLUTION   1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.1 57.3 22.3 15.7 11
    SOLUTION   1 94.46 79.60 349.04 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.3 57.7 18.7 16.8 16
    SOLUTION   1 359.92 85.64 181.65 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.2 57.9 18.3 9.9 17
    SOLUTION   1 25.17 67.80 29.14 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.2 57.7 18.7 16.5 18
    SOLUTION   1 41.98 49.77 203.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.1 57.8 19.3 14.0 19
    HKLPCK0 /y/work/ccp4/dm-av-noav-sharp+dm-jtfree.hkl 
    MAPOUT /tmp/ccp4/ 
     title Hpce P212121 _ test NCS vector
    trafun PTF NMOL 3 -
        resolution 91.287 3.0 -
        npic 20 -
        pklim 0.5 NCST 0.028 0 0.5
    crystal orth 1
    symmetry P212121
    SOLUTION fix 1 359.78 0.00 0.00 -0.0025 0.4977 0.4797 40.6 56.5 40.2 1 81.2
    SOLUTION fix 1 359.78 0.00 0.00 0.0255 0.4977 -0.0203 40.6 56.5 40.2 1 76.9
    SOLUTION   1 359.78 360.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.7 55.9 28.5 25.3 1
    SOLUTION fix 1 359.78 0.00 0.00 -0.0025 0.4977 0.4797 40.6 56.5 40.2 1 81.2
    SOLUTION fix 1 359.78 0.00 0.00 0.0255 0.4977 -0.0203 40.6 56.5 40.2 1 76.9
    SOLUTION   1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.1 57.3 22.3 15.7 11
    SOLUTION fix 1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.2282 0.2346 0.3130 31.4 59.8 29.1 1 74.2
    SOLUTION fix 1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.2562 0.2346 -0.1870 31.4 59.8 29.1 1 74.2
    SOLUTION   1 359.78 360.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.7 55.9 28.5 25.3 1
    SOLUTION fix 1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.2282 0.2346 0.3130 31.4 59.8 29.1 1 74.2
    SOLUTION fix 1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.2562 0.2346 -0.1870 31.4 59.8 29.1 1 74.2
    SOLUTION   1 29.44 64.50 28.89 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.1 57.3 22.3 15.7 11


Jorge Navaza. Adapted for CCP4 by Eleanor Dodson.


  1. J.Navaza, Acta Cryst. A50, 157-163 (1994)
    (General reference.)
  2. J.Navaza. Acta Cryst. A43, 645-653 (1987)
    (Radial quadrature instead of bessel expansion)
  3. J.Navaza. Acta Cryst. A46, 619-620 (1990)
    (Stable recurrence relationship for rotation matrices.)
  4. G.A.Bentley, Some applications of the phased translation function using calculated phases in Molecular Replacement, Proceedings of the Daresbury Study Weekend, (1992) DL/SCI/R33
  5. E.E.Castellano et al., Fast Rigid-body Refinement for Molecular-replacement Techniques, J. Appl. Cryst. 25, 281-4 (1992).
  6. J.Navaza. Acta Cryst. D49, 588-591 (1993)
  7. F.L.Hirshfeld Acta Cryst. A24, 301-311 (1968)


almn, ecalc, lsqkab, npo, pdbset, rfcorr