afro - multivariate substructure factor amplitude estimation for SAD/MAD and SIRAS.
afro hklin foo.mtz hklout foo_out.mtz
Keyworded input
This program will determine normalized substructure factor amplitudes (ie. E(A) values) which are needed for direct methods substructure determination programs. In this version, the multivariate formulas are not implemented, but just a standard approach is taken for finding SAD or SIR differences (and attempting to find the best wavelength to calculate the anomalous differences).
The best way to start is to use the example scripts.
<a> <b> <c> <alpha> <beta> <gamma>
The dataset identifier. This keyword is required.
Diffraction data for the XTAL and DNAMe defined. If anomalous data is not to be used, set F and SF only. If using anomalous data, set F+, SF+, F-, SF-. Setting both F and F+ will result in an error. If only F and DANO is present in the mtz file, use the ccp4 program mtzMADmod to change F/DANO to F+/F-.
Specify resolution limits for the given XTAL and DNAMe diffraction data. Do not use this keyword to specify a resolution cut-off for substructure detection, but use the HIREs keyword from AFRO instead. Only use this keyword if you wish to remove some data that you believe to be useless. Default: use all the data available in the mtz file.
Set criteria for excluding E-values to output for the given XTAL and DNAMe diffraction data. This is essential for correct substructure determination. The default is to use all the data available in the mtz file and this is not optimal for EA calculation.
The criteria and cutoff recommendations for the subkeywords are the following:
exclude reflections if FP < <nsigf> * SIGF. The recommended setting is 3.
exclude reflections if DANO < <nsano> * SDANO. The recommended setting is 1. (DANO = abs(|F+| - |F-|) and SDANO is the standard deviation of DANO in measurement.
exclude reflections if abs(|Fder| - |Fnat|) <
Number of bins for luzzati parameter estimation and refinement and output of statistics.
<outputname> is the string associated with the ASCII file that afro writes out. The default <outputname> is "heavy".
Write out an unsorted drear file suitable for crunch2.
Only output FA values to the following high resolution limit. The default is for the program to calculate it automatically.
Only acentric reflections will be used. This is the default for SAD data.
Only centric reflections will be used.
Title to be added to the mtz file. Default: "EA values from AFRO".
Specify amount of information to be outputted (where n is a positive integer). n = 0 is the normal output, n = 1 is more output and n = 2 is for debugging purposes. Default: n = 0.
#!/bin/sh set -e afro HKLIN $CEXAM/tutorial/data/gere_MAD_nat.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/gere_SADEA.mtz << eof-afro Xtal SeMET DNAME PEAK COLUmn F+=F_peak(+) SF+=SIGF_peak(+) F-=F_peak(-) SF-=SIGF_peak(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit ALLIn eof-afroExample 2: MAD EA value generation
#!/bin/sh set -e afro HKLIN $CEXAM/tutorial/data/gere_MAD_nat.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/gere_MADEA.mtz << eof-afro Xtal SeMET DNAME PEAK COLUmn F+=F_peak(+) SF+=SIGF_peak(+) F-=F_peak(-) SF-=SIGF_peak(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit DNAME INFL COLUmn F+=F_infl(+) SF+=SIGF_infl(+) F-=F_infl(-) SF-=SIGF_infl(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 SISO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 # or isomorphous/dispersive difference < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit DNAME HIGH COLUmn F+=F_hrm(+) SF+=SIGF_hrm(+) F-=F_hrm(-) SF-=SIGF_hrm(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit # NOTE! Afro takes only isomorphous/dispersive differences between # the first two defined data sets!!! # You could also define the low remote as well... ALLIn eof-afroExample 3: SIRAS EA value generation
#!/bin/sh set -e afro HKLIN $CEXAM/tutorial/data/gere_MAD_nat.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/gere_SIRASEA.mtz << eof-afro # define the native first!! Xtal NATIVE DNAME NATIVE COLUmn F=F_nat SF=SIGF_nat EXCLUDE SIGF 3 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit Xtal SeMET DNAME PEAK COLUmn F+=F_peak(+) SF+=SIGF_peak(+) F-=F_peak(-) SF-=SIGF_peak(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 SISO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 # or isomorphous difference/sigma < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit ALLIn eof-afroExample 4: MAD + Native EA value generation
#!/bin/sh set -e afro HKLIN $CEXAM/tutorial/data/gere_MAD_nat.mtz \ HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/gere_MADNATEA.mtz << eof-afro # define the native first!! Xtal NATIVE DNAME NATIVE COLUmn F=F_nat SF=SIGF_nat EXCLUDE SIGF 3 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit Xtal SeMET DNAME PEAK COLUmn F+=F_peak(+) SF+=SIGF_peak(+) F-=F_peak(-) SF-=SIGF_peak(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 SISO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 # or isomorphous difference/sigma < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit DNAME INFL COLUmn F+=F_infl(+) SF+=SIGF_infl(+) F-=F_infl(-) SF-=SIGF_infl(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 SISO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 # or isomorphous/dispersive difference < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit DNAME HIGH COLUmn F+=F_hrm(+) SF+=SIGF_hrm(+) F-=F_hrm(-) SF-=SIGF_hrm(-) EXCLUDE SIGF 3 SANO 1 # don't use data with F/SF < 3 or DANO/SIGDANO < 1 RESOL HICUt 0.5 # only use data 0.5 Angstroms about hi res limit # NOTE! Afro takes only isomorphous/dispersive differences between # the first two defined data sets!!! # You could also define the low remote as well... ALLIn ##############################################################
Last modified: Fri Aug 12 19:22:44 CEST 2005