![]() | The STARANISO ServerAnisotropy of the Diffraction Limit
| ![]() |
Convert input to MTZ format: |    Pointless |
Initial scaling with isotropic cut-off: |    aP_scale |
Determine initial anisotropic mask: |    Staraniso(1) |
Apply this mask to unmerged data: |    Staraniso(2) |
Determine scales after anisotropic cut-off: |    Aimless(1) |
Apply these scales to all data: |    Aimless(2) |
Output final mask & anisotropy-corrected Fs: |    Staraniso(3) |
Determine measured merging statistics: |    Mrfana(1) |
Determine observed merging statistics: |    Mrfana(2) |
Wavelength: 0.96600 A Run number: 1 consists of batches 2 to 993 Angular range: 105.15 to 253.95 Closest reciprocal axis to spindle: a* (angle 20.8 degrees)
Using MTZ column labels: IMEAN SIGIMEAN I(+) SIGI(+) I(-) SIGI(-) N(+) N(-) Unit cell and space group: 116.648 121.283 129.500 90.00 90.00 90.00 'P 2 2 2' Nominal diffraction range: 57.119 3.864 Input reflection count: 16405 Eigenvalues & eigenvectors of redundancy anisotropy tensor: 1.379 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 a* 1.347 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 b* 1.683 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 c* Diffraction limits & eigenvectors of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface: 3.695 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 a* 4.306 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 b* 3.879 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 c* GoF to ellipsoid (d*): 0.0457 Fraction of surface points fitted: 100.0% ( 2084 / 2084) Number of unobserved reflections inside ellipsoid: 628 Number of observed reflections inside ellipsoid: 14916 Number of observed reflections outside ellipsoid: 193 Lowest cut-off diffraction limit: 4.851 at reflection 0 25 0 in direction b* Worst diffraction limit after cut-off: 5.053 at reflection 0 24 0 in direction b* Best diffraction limit after cut-off: 3.875 at reflection 19 21 13 in direction 0.610 a* + 0.674 b* + 0.417 c* NOTE that because the cut-off surface is likely to be only very approximately ellipsoidal, in part due to variations in reflection redundancy arising from the chosen collection strategy, the directions of the worst and best diffraction limits may not correspond with the reciprocal axes, even in high-symmetry space groups (the only constraint being that the surface must have point symmetry at least that of the Laue class). Fraction of data inside cut-off surface: 91.7% ( 15038 / 16405) Fraction of cut-off surface above threshold: 64.3% ( 607 / 944) WARNING: Diffraction of the input data has probably been truncated due to an inappropriate (an)isotropic diffraction cut-off applied in previous processing, or the diffraction pattern may have extended beyond the edges of the detector. In the latter case consider the possibilities of either moving the detector closer or swinging it out, having carefully checked in the former case that this will not create a risk of spot overlap. Scale: 2.584E+00 [ = factor to place Iobs on same scale as Iprofile/100.] Beq: 135.46 [ = equivalent overall isotropic B factor on Fs.] B11 B22 B33 Delta-B tensor: -76.36 74.85 1.51 Note: the delta-B tensor is the overall anisotropy tensor on Fs after subtraction of Beq from its diagonal elements (so trace = 0). Eigenvalues (E) & eigenvectors of overall anisotropy (B) tensor on Fs: 59.10 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 a* 210.31 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 b* 136.97 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 c* The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the overall B tensor are the squares of the lengths and the directions of the principal axes of the ellipsoid that represents the tensor. Delta-B eigenvalues: -76.36 74.85 1.51 The delta-B eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of the overall anisotropy tensor after subtraction of Beq (so sum = 0). Anisotropy ratio: 1.116 [ = (Emax - Emin) / Beq ] Fractional anisotropy: 0.508 [ = sqrt(1.5 Sum_i (E_i - Beq)^2 / Sum_i E_i^2) ] Anisotropic S/N ratio: 18.94 [ = max_h | exp(4 pi^2 s~_h delta(B) s_h) - 1 | <I_h/sd(I_h)> ] The 'anisotropic S/N ratio', unlike the 'anisotropy ratio' or the 'fractional anisotropy' shown above, in addition to the anisotropy of the B tensor, takes both the diffraction and the local mean I/sd(I) into account.
Compl. Spher. Multiplicity Compl. Ellip. -------------- ------------ --------------- Resolution #uniq #Rfac Rmerge Rmeas Rpim #Isig I/sigI all ano all ano CC(1/2) #CCAno CC(ano) SigAno all ano ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57.119 - 11.496 752 3476 0.024 0.027 0.013 752 45.288 0.9843 0.9921 4.66 2.77 0.9995 419 -0.0417 0.720 0.9843 0.9921 11.496 - 9.045 752 4014 0.028 0.031 0.013 752 42.422 1.0000 0.9949 5.35 2.98 0.9994 534 -0.1433 0.728 1.0000 0.9949 9.045 - 7.850 751 3627 0.041 0.046 0.020 751 29.113 0.9987 0.9837 4.85 2.69 0.9984 490 -0.1245 0.731 0.9987 0.9837 7.850 - 7.110 753 3988 0.069 0.077 0.033 753 18.736 1.0000 0.9968 5.31 2.89 0.9976 552 -0.0903 0.748 1.0000 0.9968 7.110 - 6.586 751 4161 0.111 0.123 0.051 751 13.269 0.9987 1.0000 5.54 2.98 0.9933 581 -0.0605 0.716 0.9987 1.0000 6.586 - 6.183 751 4236 0.140 0.154 0.064 751 10.868 0.9973 0.9969 5.64 3.02 0.9908 594 0.1108 0.800 0.9973 0.9969 6.183 - 5.857 753 4151 0.162 0.179 0.075 753 9.654 0.9960 0.9939 5.52 2.95 0.9850 593 -0.0310 0.798 0.9960 0.9939 5.857 - 5.596 752 3730 0.171 0.191 0.084 752 8.402 0.9987 0.9755 4.98 2.70 0.9805 514 -0.0428 0.768 0.9987 0.9755 5.596 - 5.375 751 3972 0.171 0.190 0.081 751 8.885 0.9987 0.9924 5.30 2.84 0.9882 577 0.1022 0.822 0.9987 0.9924 5.375 - 5.186 752 4140 0.178 0.198 0.083 752 8.795 0.9987 0.9924 5.51 2.93 0.9917 593 0.0089 0.813 0.9987 0.9924 5.186 - 5.020 753 4148 0.180 0.199 0.083 753 8.704 0.9947 0.9821 5.52 2.94 0.9917 592 -0.0153 0.788 0.9947 0.9821 5.020 - 4.873 751 4123 0.178 0.198 0.084 751 9.074 1.0000 0.9851 5.50 2.93 0.9926 584 0.0340 0.833 1.0000 0.9851 4.873 - 4.738 753 4065 0.191 0.211 0.088 753 8.278 0.9767 0.9721 5.42 2.89 0.9929 561 0.0381 0.826 0.9767 0.9721 4.738 - 4.610 752 4078 0.212 0.235 0.099 752 7.806 0.9353 0.9287 5.44 2.89 0.9894 559 -0.0371 0.817 0.9353 0.9287 4.610 - 4.492 751 3954 0.236 0.262 0.110 751 7.047 0.8962 0.8602 5.30 2.86 0.9894 528 -0.0522 0.798 0.8962 0.8602 4.492 - 4.374 752 3523 0.268 0.302 0.135 752 5.816 0.8026 0.7794 4.72 2.56 0.9772 497 0.0080 0.829 0.8026 0.7794 4.374 - 4.259 751 2878 0.269 0.310 0.149 751 4.951 0.7421 0.6927 3.91 2.17 0.9681 347 0.0210 0.806 0.7540 0.7020 4.259 - 4.140 752 2574 0.318 0.369 0.182 752 3.733 0.6533 0.5780 3.55 2.03 0.9488 288 -0.0940 0.776 0.7416 0.6494 4.140 - 4.015 752 2236 0.445 0.524 0.268 752 2.561 0.5529 0.4585 3.15 1.87 0.8538 236 -0.1279 0.765 0.7356 0.6085 4.015 - 3.875 753 2057 0.623 0.750 0.406 753 1.729 0.4325 0.3666 2.90 1.69 0.6834 200 -0.0125 0.783 0.6596 0.5881 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 57.119 - 3.875 15038 73131 0.082 0.092 0.041 15038 12.756 0.8514 0.8160 4.90 2.69 0.9994 9839 -0.0335 0.785 0.9115 0.8787
Number of active ice-rings within this resolution range = 0 Overall InnerShell OuterShell --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Low resolution limit 57.119 57.119 4.015 High resolution limit 3.875 11.496 3.875 Rmerge (all I+ & I-) 0.082 0.024 0.623 Rmerge (within I+/I-) 0.081 0.023 0.554 Rmeas (all I+ & I-) 0.092 0.027 0.750 Rmeas (within I+/I-) 0.101 0.029 0.737 Rpim (all I+ & I-) 0.041 0.013 0.406 Rpim (within I+/I-) 0.058 0.017 0.482 Total number of observations 73740 3502 2184 Total number unique 15038 752 753 Mean(I)/sd(I) 12.8 45.3 1.7 Completeness (spherical) 85.1 98.4 43.3 Completeness (ellipsoidal) 91.2 98.4 66.0 Multiplicity 4.9 4.7 2.9 CC(1/2) 0.999 1.000 0.683 Anomalous completeness (spherical) 81.6 99.2 36.7 Anomalous completeness (ellipsoidal) 87.9 99.2 58.8 Anomalous multiplicity 2.7 2.8 1.7 CC(ano) -0.033 -0.042 -0.013 |DANO|/sd(DANO) 0.785 0.720 0.783
Left-down & drag: | Rotate view. |
Middle-down & drag: | Translate. |
Right-down & drag: | Zoom. |
Wheel: | Adjust z-clipping depth. |
Left-down & wheel: | Adjust z-clipping position. |
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Most of the mouse actions should also work on a touchscreen (e.g. tablet or smartphone), though a gesture to emulate the mousewheel may not be available on all devices! |
- = | Adjust point size. |
0 .. 8 | Toggle points in sets 0 (grey) to 9 (pink). |
c | Reset only translation and z-clipping so that the objects are re-centred. |
d | Toggle depth-cueing. |
h | Toggle on-screen help text (all text can be resized by clicking in the caption text immediately above the graphics canvas or in the text in the bottom frame, then using Ctrl/Wheel over either text). |
i | Reset to initial orientation, translation, zoom and z-clipping. |
p | Make screenshot (PNG): requires pop-ups from server to be allowed. |
s | Toggle d-spacing labels. |
x | Reset orientation, translation and z-clipping to view down world x axis (initially to right). |
y | Ditto for y axis (initially up). |
z | Ditto for z axis (initially towards viewer). |
Shift-x/y/z | View from negative axis direction. |
Down/up arrow | Decrease/increase rocking amplitude. |
Left/right arrow | Decrease/increase rock/roll speed. |
STARANISO server release v2.234